Long, sprawling writeup for my only Modular archetype hero, who's effectively five different people, four of them very alien. Be an interesting roleplaying challenge, anyway.
Aaron Acosta never wanted to be a superhero. He was perfectly content as a grad student with his eyes on a professorship in some university history department down the road. Unfortunately for his plans, he was also the only suitable person on Earth the night a gestalt of four alien mentalities arrived from the future in search of a psychically-compatible local guide. The disembodied groupmind explained that they were representatives of a near-Utopian coalition of sophonts, sent back to identify and prevent critical points in the timeline to ensure humanity would survive to join their culture rather than becoming extinct in the 21st century. Aaron might still have refused to help if he'd fully understood the costs, but the alien minds managed to convince him that the future of humanity was at stake.
He agreed to join the gestalt and form the five-in-one superhero Pentad. In the process, his physical body was converted into metamorphic psychoplasm, and while he can still adopt his apparently-human form he's effectively time-sharing both body and mind with four hyper-advanced extraterrestrials from over a thousand years in the future. Each of them can "tag in" and reform their own original bodies at will, exploiting their specific strengths while covering for their weaknesses.
Broosk the Ganikan is a semi-reptilian being from a species that's engineered all aggression out of their society in exchange for tremendous mental stability, and provides the Pentad with a bottomless well of determination as well as telekinetic might. Crovak the Yasoon is a representative of a physically and psionically imposing species that serve as interstellar peacekeepers in their time, and helps defend the Pentad and their allies from assault by mentally dampening aggression. Drail the Ysindri is a descendent of a geneered slave species created to be the ultimate planners, innovators and problem solvers, and brings those talents to the Pentad along with their unfortunate lack of survival instincts, which were deliberately excised by their creators to increase their dependence upon others despite their genius. "Eternal Sorrow" is the closest translation for the Pentad's rask, a species of naturally-sessile sophonts more akin to Terran trees than anything, and unfortunately burdened with a genetic legacy of instinctive territoriality that they still struggle to overcome. Rask are the coalition's defenders, one of the few member species who are adept at physical violence when pressed. "Sorrow" only manifests in extreme situations, and invariably regrets its actions afterward.
Description: (Human) A very run-of-the-mill example of homo sapiens with no outstanding features physical features. In action, those features are fully concealed in a suit of sleek blue power armor with white accents and a yellow star-in-a-pentagon logo on its chest. Usually doesn't stick around for long if a fight breaks out anyone, shifting into one of his four alien personas to let them handle it. Mostly seen when the Pentad needs to talk with temporal locals, both mundane and empowered. He's got a nice baritone voice and is comfortable with public speaking, although he can be a bit pedantic at times.
(Ganikan) An exceptionally attractive specimen of a 31st century native of Ganik VII, which is to say a slender, twin-tailed, man-sized pseudo-lizard covered in fine turquoise scales. Wears a snug torso-hugging singlet in the same color scheme as the human's power armor, although this outfit is carefully tailored to display their glorious physique and coloration. Lacks anything akin to vocal chords, communicating entirely by pleasant, mellow-toned telepathy.
(Yasoon) A hulking, 6'5" humanoid figure that looks like a hybrid of macrocephalic gorilla and tiger, covered in a coat of short red-and-black striped fur, wearing a pair of snug shorts and a tank top with the usual Pentad colors and logo. They pride themselves on their "primitive vocal communication" skills and prefer to demonstrate them rather than using telepathy, speaking with a voice that sounds remarkably like James Earl Jones.
(Ysindri) Thin, gray-skinned, six-armed figure only 5' tall, with an elongated oversized head that resembles am Easter Island moai. Wears only a headband, which displays the blue-and-white Pentad colors and golden yellow star-in-a-pentagon symbol. Moves languidly, as though underwater, and communicates only via a deep, echoing telepathic voice.
(Rask) Resembles an orange-and-black-banded sea anemone, albeit one that's eight feet tall and constantly shifting the length and shape of its many tendrils, manifesting alarming natural weaponry and more incomprehensible appendages from moment to moment. Holds itself rigidly anchored in place (even in mid-air) with formidable telekinetic powers, which it also employs to levitate loose objects and debris as shields and weapons. Wears a single "armband" in Pentad colors as a uniform of sorts. Even its telepathy is alien, communicating more in emotions (most often rage and regret) than words.
Gender: Male (Often uses We by accident) Age: 22 Height: 5'10"
Eyes: Brown Hair: Dark Brown Skin: Swarthy Build: Average
Background: Unremarkable Power Source: Alien Archetype: Modular (Form-Changer)
Personality: Apathetic Health (G/Y/R): 32/24/11
Powers: Telekinesis d10, Flight d8, Power Suit d8, Shapeshifting d8, Telepathy d8
Qualities: Self-Discipline d10, Alien Mental Fusion d8, History d8, Persuasion d8
Status: Green (32-25) - d6 / Yellow (24-12) - d8 / Red (11-1) - d10
Abilities and Modes
Ganikan Persona (Green Mode) - No Attack or Hinder actions, Powers: Telekinesis d12, Telepathy d10, Flight d8, Shapeshifting d8, TK Reinforcement (A) Boost yourself using Telekinesis. Create two bonuses, one using your Max die, the other using your Mid die. Both bonuses are persistent and exclusive.
Human Persona (Default Mode) - No action restrictions, Powers: Telekinesis d10, Flight d8, Power Suit d8, Shapeshifting d8, Telepathy d8, no unique ability.
Persona Exchange (A) Boost yourself using Self-Discipline. Then change to any available mode.
Principle of the Future (A) Overcome a challenge using your knowledge of possible futures. Use your Max die. You and your allies each gain a Hero Point. Minor twist: What unintended ripple did your actions cause? Major twist: What ripple effect now threatens the future as you know it? RP: You have alien memories of things yet to come.
Principle of Mental Fusion (A) Overcome in a situation that benefits from a completely new perspective. Use your Max die. You and your allies each gain a Hero Point. Minor twist: What perspective ended up being the wrong one for this situation? Major twist: What inner conflict has thrown you completely off? RP: You have four alien mentalities occupying your mind. As a result you can look at a situation from many different angles, most of them decidedly nonhuman.
Yasoon Persona (Yellow Mode) - No Hinder or Overcome actions, Powers: Telepathy d12, Telekinesis d10, Flight d6, Shapeshifting d6, Aggression Dampeners (A) Use Telepathy to Defend yourself and all nearby allies against each Attack until the beginning of your next turn.
Ysindri Persona (Yellow Mode) - No Attack or Defend actions, Powers: Telekinesis d12, Telepathy d10, Flight d8, Shapeshifting d8, Psionic Manipulation (A) Hinder or use one of your principles to Overcome using Telekinesis. Use your Max + Min dice.
Network Telepathy (A) Boost all nearby allies using Telepathy. Use your Max + Mid dice. Hinder yourself using your Min die.
Swift Persona Exchange (A) Destroy one bonus on you. Change to any available mode and then take an action in the new mode.
Versatile Psionics (A) Attack, Boost, Defend or Hinder using Telekinesis. You and all nearby heroes in the Yellow or Red zone Recover Health equal to your Min die.
Rask Persona (Red Mode) - No Boost actions, immobile, Powers: Telekinesis d10, Shapeshifting d10, Telepathy d8, Regrettable Necessity (I) Whenever you take a basic Attack action, either Attack one target using your Max + Min dice, or Attack two different targets using your Max die on one and your Mid die on the other.
Emergency Persona Exchange (R) When you are Attacked, you may change to any available mode. If you do, take a minor twist or extra damage equal to the Min die on the Attack.
Pentad Coordination (A) Choose three basic actions. Use Shapeshifting in your pool and take one of those actions using your Max die, a second one with your Mid die, and a the third action with your Min die.
Reactive Psychoplasm (R) When you would be dealt damage, you may roll your single Shapeshifting die to Defend against that damage and as an Attack on a nearby target other than the source of the damage.
Time Compression (A) When you use an ability action, you may also perform any one basic action using your Mid die.
Temporal Ripple (A) Remove any mod of your choice from the scene.
In Green, use Persona Exchange to Boost yourself and shift to your Ganikan Persona, then use TK Reinforcement to generate a pair of persistent and exclusive bonuses unless there' a truly desperate need to do something else. Other than doing Principled Overcomes you don't have many choices beyond basic actions at this stage.
In Yellow, your options open up a lot. You could remain a Ganikan and start handing out big team-wide bonuses with Network Telepathy, ignoring the self-Hinder since that mode can't take Hinder actions. You could also do the same trick with Swift Persona Exchange, trading a bonus to shift to your Yasoon Persona and act immediately. Yasoon is even better at Network Telepathy and has access to Aggression Dampeners if you want global defenses instead of bonuses. If there are Challenges piling up shifting to the Ysindri Persona will let you clean those up efficiently with Psionic Manipulation, which can also offer big single-target Hinders at need. All of your modes can make good use of Versatile Psionics for some healing and a variety of other minor effects, using a persistent bonus to improve performance each time.
In Red, you have the option to use your Yasoon or even Human Personas for Attacks through Pentad Coordination amplified with Time Compression, but you're more likely to shift to your Rask Persona (possibly via Emergency Persona Exchange if you can't afford a twist to feed into the Yellow Swift version) to get as much mileage out of a frenzy of basic Attacks as you can.
The Rask can use the Pentad Coordination/Time Compression combo with its own Regrettable Necessity to take two basic actions (like, say, Defend and Hinder) with Max and Mid, then assign the Min die to a basic Attack which transforms into either a Max + Min hit on one target or splits to hit two targets, one with Max, one with Mid. And then Time Compression lets you do another basic Attack, which also gets transformed by Regrettable Necessity. If anything's left to damage you after all that, Reactive Psychoplasm will block 1d10 (plus bonuses) of it and deal even more damage.
Pentad doesn't do much damage outside of Red, but when their back is to the wall they become a wrecking machine. An immobile wrecking machine, but if you need range to reach foes you can still land a fair bit of damage Attacking with Versatile Psionics and Time Compression rather than the more efficient Pentad Coordination - and that one will even heal the team while you're at it.
When Out, Pentad reverts to their human form, and gains the unique ability to remove any one bonus or penalty they like each turn using Temporal Ripple.
Design Notes
Ye gods, Modular is a ridiculous archetype. Pentad has 15 abilities to work with - 4 Green, 5 Yellow, and 5 Red and an Out. Some of them have extremely specific uses (there's three ways to change modes alone) but they're all very good at doing what they do, and it's a lot to take in. That's made worse by the fact that all the modes have action restrictions, something that's obviously intended to balance out absurdly strong (but narrow) abilities tied to them but really just adds to the complexity.
This is the first and last modular hero I'm doing, and I can safely say I despise the archetype. It's just needless complex and fiddly while having questionable balance at best. Moreover, if you're using the Guided method for character creation you will almost certainly never be able to actually play one. The only way to get there is from the Relic or Supernatural power sources rolling tens on both their d10s. The irony of Power Suit being unable to randomly lead into a Modular character is considerable, given that this archetype almost certainly exists solely because Bunker has "modes" in the card game and they just had to shoehorn the idea in somehow.
That said, the Pentad is a mechanically effective build, augmenting itself in Green, offering extremely strong and varied team support in Yellow, and absurd damage output and dice efficiency in Red if the rask persona has to manifest.
Conceptually, their Shapeshifting power reflects the fact that the Pentad is made out of psychoplasm that could theoretically look like anything, but most of the time it's just going to be used to change personas. Aaron might occasionally use it to disguise himself as someone else when he's not manifesting his Power Suit (which is also made of psychoplasm), but with the alien forms there's not much point in looking like a different ganakin, yasoon, etc. when they're the only examples of their species on Earth anyway. Aaron's Power Suit is pretty bare bones (the usual protection, life support, conventional comms, etc.) and mostly exists to make him feel safer while playing hero. He's not as unconcerned about getting injured as the alien personas, all of who understand that their bodies are just psychoplasm and any injuries are temporary. Flight reflects the degree of fine control over using TK to maneuver, while the actual Telekinesis die is for manipulating other things in the environment (or anchor yourself, for the rask).
The Pentad's apathetic personality is mostly due to Aaron who'd still just as soon not be doing this, but since the aliens do most of the actual hero work he can occasionally work up some proper enthusiasm. Also, it checks another box on my bingo card of unused personalities, just as modular and unremarkable did in their categories.