Saturday, May 14, 2022

Villainy Unpublished: Blog Introduction

Welcome to my new blog dedicated to the Sentinel Comics Roleplaying Game.*  The game currently seems to be a bit lacking much in the way of online resources, something I hope to do my part to correct.  Future posts will primarily feature character writeups (mostly supervillains, since heroes are less useful for the average game master than bad guys), new environments, minions and lieutenants.  There will also be some discussion about rules, the occasional suggestions for tweaking or adding mechanical elements, and anything else that catches my fancy.  Updates will be irregular but I expect to manage something at least a couple of times a week for the foreseeable future, some of it recycled and updated from older blogs.

What you won't find is anything dealing with the canon of the Sentinel Comics universe.  Greater Than Games already provides plenty of details on that subject on their Letters Page podcast, and do so better than any outsider ever could.  While the conceit of building an elaborate canon around comics that don't actually exist is highly amusing, I'm not running my campaigns in their universe.  Everything I'll be posting is from my own homebrew stuff.  Hopefully most of it will be easy enough to retool to use in your own games, whether homebrew or following some version of Sentinels' canon.

There probably won't be much artwork, although I may try to dredge up some miniatures photos from years long past for something to look at besides text.  I'm more of a figure painter than an illustrator by nature.

While my content will be pretty limited initially, I expect to build it up over time and will be methodically tagging posts so they're easier to sort through so please use them for your own convenience.  The tags will eventually include:


Gameplay Advice

Game Mechanics






The latter will be me nattering on about whatever's caught my mind and doesn't wholly fit any of the other categories.  Like this introduction, for example.


*I am never writing out the name of the game in full again, so expect to see SCRPG cropping up regularly from now on.

Pentad, Five Heroes In One

Long, sprawling writeup for my only Modular archetype hero, who's effectively five different people, four of them very alien.  Be an int...