Wednesday, August 17, 2022

La Chatarerra, Junkyard Genius

Not every supervillain is rolling in ill-gotten loot, and this one knows how to make use of every available resource. 

La Chatarrera

Tonia Herrera has been building things since she was three years old and repurposed an old alarm clock into a toy for her next-oldest sister.  In a just world her native genius would have been recognized early, nurtured by caring parents and a supportive educational system, and led her to become one of the greatest engineers since Isambard Kingdom Brunel.  Instead, she languished in an underfunded inner city school system till she was sixteen.  She watched her father and a dozen other relatives crippled or killed during pointless gang fighting and clashes with the police, and eventually got recruited by an unusually perceptive minor crime lord after one of her handmade security robots mangled three of his soldiers who were trying to shake down her aunt's corner store.

The young genius quickly earned a reputation for being able to provide ugly but effective weaponry and gadgets at a fraction of the cost her competitors asked for their more polished technologies.  This attracted attention from both her competition and the broader supervillain community, with the former trying to kill her and the latter keeping her alive as an alternative source for ultra-tech repairs and maintenance.  Good criminal geniuses are hard to come by, and this one wasn't prone to crazed ranting like most of them were.

Tonia was smart enough to see she had better learn to take care of herself in the long run, and has turned her talents to building herself the kind of power suits, weapons, and loyal robotic servants a proper tech-villain ought to have.  Her stuff still isn't pretty but it works well enough.  She's even fended off police raids and a couple of very surprised super-vigilantes who came looking for this "La Chatarerra" that was flooding the streets with home-made weaponry.

Her 21st birthday is next week, and a few of her supervillain clients have offered to take her along on a proper heist to celebrate.  She's still thinking about it, but the money sure sounds good.  She could buy an awful lot of raw materials for more guns and robots with her cut of the take.

Description: A young Hispanic woman wearing a bulky powered suit apparently built out of random piece of metal, plastic, and electronic equipment.  The suit is loaded down with a weird mix of weapons built from repurposed scrap, some stuffed into comedically oversized holsters, others slung on the back-mounted weapon rack, and a few integrated into chunky armored bracers.  She's invariably accompanied by a variety of mechanical servants made of even less identifiable bits of junk and debris.   

Gender: Female            Age: 20           Height: 5'2" (6'2" in armor)         Eyes: Brown

Hair: Brown                      Skin: Dark                  Build: Thin (Egg-shaped in armor)

Approach: Underpowered                      Archetype: Overlord

Health:  25 + (5 x H)

Powers: Robotics d8, Junk Weapons d6, Power Suit d6, Swinging d6                                       

Qualities: Technology d10, Banter d8, Scrap Scientist d8, Criminal Underworld Info d6

Status: (# of Minions & Lieutenants) 9+ - d12 / 5-8 - d10 / 3-4 - d8 / 1-2 - d6 / 0 - d4


Activate Junkers (A) Use Scrap Scientist to create a number of minions equal to the value of your Max die.  The starting die size of those minions is equal to the size of your Min die.

Can't Break What's Already Broken (I) Whenever you would be reduced to zero Health or less, prevent that damage and reduce all your power dice by one size.  If any power die is reduced below d4 by this you are knocked out.

Coordinate Junkers (A) Boost all of your minions using Technology until the start of your next turn. 

Erratic But Dangerous (A) Attack using Junk Weapons.  If you roll doubles, add that value to your Attack.  If you roll triples, add all three dice to your Attack.

Wild Barrage (A) Attack multiple targets using Technology.  Defend against all Attacks against you until your next turn using your Min die.

Wrong Piece of Junk (R) Redirect an Attack to one of your minions.

Upgrades & Masteries (optional):

Hardier Minions + 5 Health.  Gain Retrofit Junkers (A) Upgrade a number of your minions equal to the number of heroes in the scene by increasing their die size by one (max d12).

Master of Mad Science (A) As long as you have access to materials, automatically succeed at an Overcome by using scientific principles and inventions.


La Chaterrera is surprisingly vicious in a fight, particularly against enemies who use fancier technology than her own or anyone who looks or even acts like police.  She relies heavily on keeping loads of her Junker minions or larger Big Junker lieutenants in the battle, and will add to their numbers with Activate Junkers ability any time her status dips below a d10.  If her mechanical army hasn't been depleted she'll use Coordinate Junkers to amp up their performance or take matters into her own hands with Wild Barrage and Erratic But Dangerous.  When she or her more important allies are Attacked she reacts with Wrong Piece of Junk to sacrifice a minion instead.  Can't Break What's Already Broken gives her one last chance to win a fight, or to escape if she thinks she's got a chance at doing so.

With her upgrade she can do field upgrades on minions, and her mastery lets her attempt more impressive feats of Scrap Science - and her idea of "materials" is a lot broader than many tech-head villains who wouldn't recognize a useful piece of debris if it fell on them.


Junker  d6 minion (average, could be anywhere from d4 to d12)

Description: Clunky looking robots built out of scrap and junk, no two quite the same, armed with a mix of stabbers, choppers, zappers and projectile weapons.

Mother's Little Helpers: Add +2 to Boost or Defend La Chatarerra.

Big Junker d10 lieutenant (average, could be anywhere from d6 to d12)

Description: A drone the size of (and often built out of ) a small car with an array of powered melee weapons, explosive launchers, automatic slug-throwers, and stranger weapons.  Come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and colors, each one unique.  Most have a single ability from the following list:

Automedic: Roll your die and a villain close to you Recovers that much Health.  Reduce your die size by one (minimum d4).

Ejection Module: Sacrifice yourself to let La Chatarrera immediately escape from the scene.  All Junkers and Big Junkers reduce their dice size by one (minimum d4).

Ka-Bomb Racks: Sacrifice yourself to Attack multiple nearby heroes.

Spare Parts: Sacrifice yourself while close to La Chatarrera to let her immediately add Junker minions equal to the number of heroes to the scene.

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