Incredibly strong, fast and tough, if this guy wasn't such a jerk he'd be a great person to have around. As it is, he's a dreadful person, but just barely useful enough that other supers tolerate him. Sometimes.
Master Maximum
"Call me Master!"
Maxwell Jones used to be a vain, greedy, arrogant West Coast investment banker with about as much empathy as a brick. After being granted an incredible superhuman physique by a capricious otherworldly entity, he's become a vain, greedy, arrogant superhuman with even less empathy and a chip on his beefy shoulder. He really doesn't have anything going for him aside from almost impossible strength, speed, and toughness, but that hasn't shaken his certainty that he's the most powerful human being that ever lived.
Other villains find him pretty close to intolerable to work with, but his ability to rip open or carry off entire bank vaults occasionally comes in handy. He's also easily aggravated by "heroes" who get in the way of him collecting some cash to support his luxurious lifestyle, so it's easy to egg him into a fight that will provide a distraction while smarter villains take the loot and leg it. Any time he deigns to co-operate with anyone on a scheme "Master Maximum" has either been promised a fortune or been tricked/conned/mind-controlled...again. The latter happens a lot.
Description: Tall and handsome, with incredible muscles even by superhuman standards. He wears a skin-tight white wrestler's leotard that shows off his chiseled physique to perfection, with a wide black belt sporting a large golden "M" as a buckle and sturdy knee-high boots.
Gender: Male Age: 37 (Claims he's 30) Height: 6'4" Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Light Brown Skin: Bronzed Build: Ripped
Approach: Overpowered Archetype: Loner
Health: 45 + (5 x H)
Powers: Strength d12, Speed d10, Vitality d10
Qualities: Criminal Underworld Info d8, Supreme Physical Specimen d8, Conviction d6
Status: (# of Other Villains) 0 - d10 / 1-2 - d8 / 3+ - d6
Brush Off (R) When Attacked, Defend yourself by rolling your single Strength die, and deal that much damage to a nearby target other than the Attacker.
Maximum Effort (A) Attack using Strength. Use your Max + Mid + Min dice. Hinder yourself using your Max die. Take damage equal to your Mid + Min dice.
Perfect Punch (A) Attack using Strength. Use your Max die. Recover Health equal to your Mid + Min dice.
Strong AND Fast (A) Attack multiple targets using Speed. Hinder each target using your Max die.
Upgrades & Masteries (optional):
Power Upgrade (I) +20 Health. All your power dice increase in size by 1 step (max d12). Gain Try Harder (R) When you would be Hindered or when an Attack would reduce you to zero Health, reduce the penalty to -1 or reduce the damage to 1 instead.
Master of Superiority (I) As long as you are manifesting an effect related to a power you have at d12, automatically succeed at an Overcome involving usage of those powers.
Master Maximum is all about proving he's better than anyone else, for certain values of "better" anyway. He mostly accomplishes that by punching things very hard and lifting heavy things, all while shrugging off attacks and occasionally putting on a daunting show of speed. He usually opens with Strong AND Fast, after which Perfect Punch is his go-to maneuver. Brush Off is good for casually swatting aside attacks with a supersonic slap. If someone manages to really annoy him they get his Maximum Effort, which can KO many heroes from the Yellow zone.
His upgrade makes all his power dice d12s and adds a reaction for dealing Hinder attempts against or let him ignore a finishing blow. His mastery dovetails with all those d12s quite nicely for auto-success on many physical Overcomes.
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