Thursday, August 18, 2022

Seventh Envy, Versatile Powerhouse

This supervillain isn't a devil, but he doesn't mind pretending to be one.  He's very versatile given enough time to adapt to circumstances, but not tremendously hard hitting without some preparation.

Seventh Envy

Seventh Envy is the supranym of a former mad scientist's henchman who was "volunteered" as the seventh test subject in the NV-series bio-reconstruction experiment.  He gained superhuman strength and vitality as well as the ability to harness his psychic energies for minor telekinetic and space-bending jaunts.  With effort he can shift his focus to vastly improve one aspect of his abilities at the cost of others.  This was an unexpected side effect that eventually let him escape his creator's control, at least for the short term.  The process wrought permanent cosmetic changes on him as well, giving him a decidedly devilish appearance including red, scaly skin, short horns and reflective eyes.  He sometimes plays up to expectations, pretending to be a supernatural entity.  At heart he's just a mundane criminal, albeit an ambitious one who's had a taste of real power and wants more.

Description: Tall muscular man with sharp features, short blunt horns at his temples and bright red skin, wearing a black armored bodysuit with silver detailing.  Crossed pitchforks logo in red on chest of costume.  Bulks up significantly when he increases his Strength power.

Gender: Male            Age: 30             Height: 6'1"                Eyes: Deep Green Cat's Eyes 

Hair: None                    Skin: Crimson, Patchy Light Scales                  Build: Powerful

Approach:  Adaptive                              Archetype:  Bruiser

Health:  35 + (5 x H)

Powers: Vitality d10, Strength d8, Teleportation d8, Telekinesis d6                                      

Qualities: Self-Discipline d10, Close Combat d8, Power Hungry Criminal d8, Technology d8

Status: Green Zone Health - d6 / Yellow Zone Health - d8 / Red Zone Health - d10


Enraged Strength (A) Attack using Strength.  If you are Green status, use your Max die.  If you are Yellow status, use your Max + Min dice.  If you are Red status, use your Max + Min dice against one target and your Mid die against another.

Refocus (A) Lower two of your powers by one die size each.  Increase one of your other powers to d12, then take a basic action using that power.

Resilient Physiology (R) When Attacked, Defend yourself by rolling your single Vitality die.  Boost yourself with that roll.

Telekinetic Versatility (A) Boost using Telekinesis.  Use your Max die.  Attack with your Mid die.  Defend with your Min die.

Unbreakable Determination (A) Defend using Self-Discipline.  Use your Mid + Min dice.  Recover Health equal to your Max die.

Upgrades & Masteries (optional):

Power Boost (I) +20 Health.  Increase all your power die sizes by one (max d12). 

Master of Superiority (I) As long as you are manifesting an effect related to a power you have at d12, automatically succeed at an Overcome involving usage of those powers.


Seventh Envy generally starts a scene by using Refocus to lower teleport and strength to d6 while increasing Telekinesis to d12, then spams Telekinetic Versatility to deal damage and selectively grant himself and allies bonuses in relative safety.  Resilient Physiology provides more defense and self-Boosting.  Once damaged or forced into melee he'll use Refocus again to lower Telekinesis to d10 and Teleportation to d4 while his Strength goes to d12 and he starts using Enraged Strength.  If he hits the Red zone he'll use Unbreakable Determination to heal (dumping bonuses into it if available).  If a fight is going against him he'll try to use Refocus again to drop Strength to d10 and Telekinesis to d8 while pushing Teleportation to d12 and Overcoming his way to a clean escape.  Expect to be tracking his changing die sizes during a battle, and remember that he gets to use the power he just shifted to a d12 immediately for a basic action.

With the upgrade, his Unbreakable Determination gets harder to pierce and his offensive abilities get a die boost as well.  He'll use Refocus to make Master of Superiority work as well as possible.

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