Wednesday, August 17, 2022

The Pentagram, An In-House Supervillain Squad

Most campaigns feature at least one shadowy conspiratorial organization, a disproportionate number of which are named after varieties of snake for some reason.  Others go for acronyms, sometimes rather forced ones.  Their unifying feature tends to be some degree of secrecy and grandiose plans to conquer the world or at least overthrow some major government.  These organizations employ a lot of non-powered agents, but they often have their own in-house supervillain team for times when regular mooks won't do the job.  

The following five villains represent the kind of super-muscle such an organization might have available.  They represent a spectrum of reliability, with the loyal company man, a brainwashed puppet, a mercenary, an ambitious budding sociopath, and the pawn of someone - or something - other than the organization itself.  It's possible they might also operate independently if/when their parent organization is broken up by the authorities, although Psyber-Master and Cornerstone are likely to look for others to work with rather than going solo.

I've also attached attached some "Science Crime" minions and lieutenants to the post, representing the kind of more mundane operatives a conspiratorial organization might employ. 



Psyber-Master is a technologically-augmented minor psionic, an agent of [insert your campaign's shadowy secret organization here] who's sent along on missions with other personnel that are more combat capable.  He probably has a real name, but no one ever uses it any more.  Very much a company man, he can be counted on to keep his mind on the mission at all times - and given his telepathic powers, anything on his mind is on everyone else's too.

Description: A short, graying man wearing a light power suit with bulky jet boots and a small blaster mounted on its right forearm.  The suit is off-white with black detailing and boots, and has the symbol of your shadowy organization (if they use one) on its chest..  His helmet has a clear faceplate and an odd array of protrusions that help enhance his psychic abilities.

Gender: Male            Age: 44            Height: 5'8"           Eyes: Watery Blue

Hair: Gray                Skin: Pale              Build: Thin

Approach: Tactician                     Archetype: Predator

Health: 35 + (5 x H)

Powers: Remote Viewing d8, Telepathy d8, Flight d6, Power Suit d6                                       

Qualities: Leadership d10, Awareness d8, Tactical Savant d8, Self-Discipline d6

Status: (# of Enemies Engaged) 0-1 - d10 / 2-3 - d8 / 4+ - d6


Analyze and Prepare (A) Boost yourself using Tactical Savant.  Use your Max die,  This bonus is persistent and exclusive.  Defend against all Attacks against you using your Mid die until the start of your next turn.

Gestalt Efficiency (I) As long as you have at least one nearby ally, you may reroll all dice that roll a one.

Self Defense (R) When Attacked, roll your single status die.  Hinder the Attack using that result, and deal damage equal to that penalty to the Attacker.

Telepathic Coordination (A) Boost using Leadership.  Use your Max die.  That bonus applies to every ally's action until the beginning of your next turn.

Upgrades & Masteries (optional):

Skill Upgrade (I) +20 Health.  All your quality dice increase in size by 1 step.

Master of Conquest (I) As long as you are in command of your own forces, automatically succeed at an Overcome to seize an area or capture civilians.


Psyber-Master is simple to run.  Use Analyze & Prepare to establish a solid persistent bonus for him right off, restore it if/when it's removed with penalties or an Overcome, then use that bonus on Telepathic Coordination over and over and over again until the players kill you.  Try to avoid getting jumped by more than one opponent at a time to keep your status die up, use your flight to stay clear of ground-bound foes, and don't waste time on basic actions if you can avoid it.  Handing bonuses to every ally's action (but not reaction) each turn will do more than you Attacking will.  Stay near allies to keep the Gestalt Efficiency rerolls going, and don't worry too much about being Attacked, Self Defense will keep you upright and Boosting for a while.

If your supply of flunkies runs low, try to get out of there.  You're more important than they are, and can tell the heroes a lot more about your employer than they can - which probably means you've got a remote-detonated bomb in your cranium or you've been conditioned to mind-scrub yourself if captured.  Your bosses are like that.


Subject Ten

Subject Ten is a creation of [insert your campaign's shadowy criminal organization here].  Constructed from a mind-scrubbed subject conditioned to obey directives and implanted with a sample of symbiotic extraterrestrial pseudo-metal, he was re-made to be a living weapon.  "Ten" can mentally manipulate the substance to produce armor plating, manipulatory cables and filaments, and a dizzying array of melee weaponry.  

He has little personality and exists solely to follow orders, and is most commonly found with one or more allies or minders.  Left to his own devices, "Ten" will follow his default programming and attempt to return to his masters without drawing unnecessary attention to himself.  It remains to be seen if there's a person left beneath the conditioning, and if so what they might do if they were to freed to act on their own desires.

Description: Tall, thin and pallid, skin covered in an extensive web of thin scars.  His face is hollow-cheeked, with eyes like pools of mercury, framed by a tangle of silver hair.  He wears nothing but heavy black boots and navy blue trunks.  While fighting, he manifests liquid metal plating and weaponry from his flesh, favoring flexible coils tipped with blades or barbed weights or sudden thrusting spikes.     

Gender: Male            Age: Unknown            Height: 6'2"           Eyes: Quicksilver

Hair: Metallic Silver                           Skin: Sickly Pale                   Build: Gaunt

Approach: Specialized                       Archetype: Indomitable

Health:  40 + (5 x H)

Powers: Metal d10, Elasticity d8                                     

Qualities: Finesse d12, Imposing d8, Living Weapon d8                                       

Status: Always d8


Bladeweb (R) Defend against an Attack where you're the only target by rolling your single Finesse die.  One other nearby target takes damage equal to the damage reduced.

Coilstorm (A) Attack multiple targets using Finesse.  Hinder those targets using your Min die.

Precision Stab (A) Attack one target using Living Weapon.  Use your Max + Min dice.  That target cannot Defend or use reactions against this Attack.

Ready Combat Mode (A) Boost yourself using Living Weapon.  Use your Max die.  This bonus is persistent and exclusive.

Razorlash (A) Attack using Finesse.  Use your Max + Min dice.  Defend yourself using your Mid die.

Upgrades & Masteries (optional):

Power Upgrade (I) +20 Health.  All your power dice increase in size by 1 step. 

Master of Total Chaos (I) Automatically succeed at an Overcome when you throw out all the rules during a situation that is spiraling out of control.


Subject Ten was conditioned to be a living weapon, and it shows in his efficient fighting style.  His living metal implants allow him to fight both in close or at moderate distances, relying on superhuman precision to land crippling hits with his extruded weaponry.  He usually opens a fight by Boosting himself with Ready Combat Mode, then goes on the offense with Razorlash against single targets or Coilstorm when facing a mob.  If an enemy displays a strong defensive reaction or is otherwise well Defended "Ten" will close in to use Precision Stab.  Bladeweb provides his own reactionary defense trick, which lets him spread some damage around as well.



Cornerstone used to be Army, before he was discharged for smuggling contraband.  Cornerstone used to be a mercenary, before he crossed the wrong employer.  Cornerstone used to be human, before [insert shadowy criminal organization of your choice here] used him for a test subject.  Now Cornerstone is what he is, but he's hasn't given up hope that if he can scrape up enough money that might be fixable.  Until then he'll work for the people that made him this way, and anyone else who might offer a chance to regain his humanity   The military tossed him out on his ear but he still knows how to soldier, and there's plenty of villains out there who could appreciate his talents as a teammate.

Description: A crudely chiseled man-shaped statue of gray stone, sporting a long "beard" of stony spikes and much shorter "hair" spikes.  Usually wears a trench coat, broad-brimmed hat, and reinforced knee-high boots when trying to be inconspicuous.  Doesn't work very well, especially when you take into account his weight, which starts around 1200 pounds and increases if he bulks up with Size-Changing.  He can shed some mass too, getting down to about 3' tall and a "mere" 400 pounds, but he doesn't like to do so except in a pinch. 

Gender: Male?           Age: 30?             Height: 5'10"          Eyes: Gray

Hair: Gray                    Skin: Gray                  Build: Blocky

Approach: Generalist                    Archetype: Squad

Health:  30 + (5 x H)

Powers: Stone d10, Strength d8, Vitality d8, Size-Changing d6                            

Qualities: Close Combat d10, Disgraced Veteran d8, Self-Discipline d8, Criminal Underworld Info d6

Status: (# Other Villains) 3+ - d10 / 1-2 - d8 / 0 - d6


Do The Job, Trooper (A) One ally may take a basic action now, using their Max die.  They may reroll any die that rolls a 1 during this action.

Hard Hitter (A) Attack using Close Combat.  Use your Max die.  Recover Health equal to your Min die.

Rock Hard (R) When an ally is Attacked, Defend them by rolling your single Stone die.  Boost yourself using that roll.

Solid Foundation (I) Whenever you roll a 1 on a die, reroll that die once.

Stonewall (A) Attack using Close Combat.  Use your Max die.  Defend all nearby allies with your Mid + Min dice until the start of your next turn.

Upgrades & Masteries (optional):

Group Fighter (I) +20 Health.  When you take an action that lets you make an Attack, also make an Attack using your Mid die.

Master Mercenary (I) If you have a contract for a specific task, automatically succeed at an Overcome where your payment is at stake.


Cornerstone's more of a support and bodyguard type than a striker, and will usually buddy up with a softer villain or two during a fight.  He's as strong and tough as you'd expect a man of stone to be, and can bulk up to a larger 10' form by absorbing rock or concrete from his surroundings.  He'll generally spend his actions using Stonewall if there's an enemy in reach, or let an ally act with Do The Job, Trooper if they've got better things to do (like making ranged attacks, which Cornerstone isn't great at - basically chucking rocks).  If he's getting beat up he'll switch to Hard Hitter to heal up a bit while still doing some damage.  His Rock Hard reaction Defends allies and Boosts him, which he'll tend to use the bonuses from for healing or defense.  Solid Foundation gives him a strong reroll mechanic, and if he's got his upgrade he's much better at throwing out damage.

Cornerstone isn't great at being tricky, but his Stone power does let him open and close holes in many walls, streets, etc, which gives him some options that may not be immediately apparent.  He's thoroughly mercenary about things, and will usually be bodyguarding one or more of his fellow villains.  He's pretty reliable and doesn't take super-fights personally - but if a hero could offer him a plausible chance at "curing" his powers he'd probably take it in a heartbeat.  Well, his heart doesn't actually beat any more, but you know what I mean.


Black Ice

"You never see Black Ice until it's too late, hero!"

Michelle Marks is a mutant with the ability to manipulate atmospheric moisture and siphon heat from an area.  These combine to also let her generate forceful air currents, albeit not with precise control.  That doesn't sound terribly threatening until you see her conjure banks of freezing fog and razor sharp ice blades, hurl hail with the force of hurricane, coat city streets in ice, or literally freeze a man solid.

She has a tragic backstory involving her parents selling her to agents of a secret organization after her powers manifested at age 12.  [Insert your campaign's shadowy criminal organization here] trained and conditioned her for the next six years, and since her 18th birthday last year she's served them as a super-powered assassin, spy, and saboteur.  As yet she's mostly avoided the attention of the authorities, but that's unlikely to last.  Michelle's loyalty conditioning is faulty and she dreams of becoming a free agent, operating on her own as Black Ice - but first she needs to build herself a killer reputation so she can attract her own minions, maybe join a supervillain team.  Then she'll really be in the Big Leagues.  Till then she'll take orders while making connections in the broader world of supercrime. 

To put it mildly, the poor gal's got kind of a naive worldview.  Murderous and amoral, but naive.  Blame it on her upbringing.  Her lawyers certainly will when she's inevitably facing trial somewhere down the road.       

Description: A thin young woman in a snug bodysuit that covers everything below her jawline.  She wears a separate cowl that covers her head and shoulders.  Both are made of smart cloth and can be toggled between either jet black or snow white coloration, aiding her with stealth depending on the circumstances.  She's never affected by any form of precipitation, remaining dry in rain, snow, sleet or hail. 

Gender: Female            Age: 19            Height: 5'8"           Eyes: Green

Hair: Brown (dyed Black)                 Skin: Pallid                        Build: Skinny

Approach: Dampening                      Archetype: Inhibitor

Health:  35 + (5 x H)

Powers: Cold d10, Absorption d8, Weather d8                                       

Qualities: Stealth d10, Criminal Underworld Info d8, Ranged Combat d8, Youthful Assassin d8

Status: (# Heroes With Penalties) 3+ - d10 / 1-2 - d8 / 0 - d6


Flash Freeze (R) When Attacked by a hero with a penalty, ignore their damage and remove a penalty on that hero.

Focused Hypothermia (A) Hinder using Cold.  Use your Max die.  This penalty is persistent and exclusive.  As long as this penalty is on the target, reduce their highest power die of your choice by one die size.  Attack with your Mid die.

Freezing Fog (A) Hinder multiple targets using Cold.  Use your Max die.  Attack one target using your Mid die.

Subzero Vortex (A) Each hero loses Health equal to the total penalties on them.  Recover the same amount of Health.  Remove those penalties.

Upgrades & Masteries (optional):

Power Dampening Field (I) +10 Health.  While the scene is in the green zone, all heroes' powers of d8 or higher are reduced by one die size.  In the Yellow zone all of the heroes powers of d10 or higher are reduced by one additional step (two die sizes total).  In the Red zone, all heroes' power dice are treated as d4.  Heroes can remove this upgrade with three overcome successes.  If a hero takes a minor twist while taking these Overcomes, they lose access to a power until this upgrade is removed.

Master Mercenary (I) If you have a contract for a specific task, automatically succeed at an Overcome where your payment is at stake.


Black Ice spreads "chilled to the bone" penalties and some moderate damage around with Freezing Fog and Focused Hypothermia while defending herself with Flash Freeze, which momentarily encases its target in a thick layer that shatters afterward.  If she gets hurt badly she'll use Subzero Vortex to sacrifice all her penalties in play to simultaneously damage her enemies and heal herself.

Outside of combat or during Overcomes, she's very good at sneaking around with Weather + Stealth producing fog to shroud herself or blind sentries.  She can lower temperatures to arctic levels, produce sudden bursts of wind or brief torrents of rain, form ice out of thin air, and quickly freeze most liquids, all over fairly broad areas.  Her fine control is a bit lacking (particularly where air currents are concerned) but there's plenty of power behind everything she does.

If she actually does manage to make a name for herself as a serious supervillain, her older, more experienced self will develop a Power Dampening Field, which manifests as an aura of brutal cold and driving icy winds.  She'll also become a Master Mercenary as she gets more and more dedicated to making her kill no matter what gets in her way.  A lady's got to pay the bills, after all.

Trivia: She picked the supranym Black Ice herself, and thinks it makes her sound really cool.  Get it?  Cool?  Unsurprisingly, Michelle has a d4 in Banter and tends to use it more often than she probably ought to.



Malcolm Wickham was once a [insert your campaign's shadowy criminal organization here] scientist.  He specialized in studying ultra-tech debris collected from defeated supers, failed alien invasions, temporary dimensional breaches and similar incidents.  Malcolm was certain he'd made a breakthrough on one particularly cryptic spatial displacement device - until he was unceremoniously swept into a hole in the universe and plunged into an void of utter darkness.  As he hung there in the chilling darkness, the Voice spoke to him for the first time.  It offered him a return to his small existence, but it could only do so by accompanying him, riding within his soul as a guide.

He really shouldn't have agreed so readily.  Now the Voice is with him always, and it's encouraged him to use his new powers and knowledge to become a super-powered agent rather than a mere researcher.  And lately the Voice has started to ask him to do things.  Things he doesn't entirely understand, and isn't sure he wants to.  His employers have given him a long leash while they study his new powers and his strange behavior, but some of them have started talking to the Voice through him.  Malcolm wonders if they're doing things for it too.     

Description: A tall, thin man in a form-fitting, all-covering jet black bodysuit, marked with an inverted white five-pointed star on the chest and forehead.  When using his powers he's surrounded by an aura of flickering purple flames, leaving a trail of violet light when flying or hurling energy blasts.  His energies look like oddly-colored fire but are silent and odorless.

Gender: Male            Age: 34             Height: 6'1"                Eyes: Brown 

Hair: Dark Brown               Skin: Unhealthy Pallor          Build: Slender

Approach:  Generalist                          Archetype:  Inhibitor

Health:  35 + (5 x H)

Powers: Infernal d10, Agility d8, Flight d8, Awareness d6                                      

Qualities: Ranged Combat d10, Accursed Scientist d8, Otherworldly Mythos d8, Close Combat d6

Status: (# Heroes With Penalties) 3+ - d10 / 1-2 - d8 / 0 - d6


Chilling Energies (A) Hinder multiple targets using Infernal.  Boost yourself using your Max die. 

Dark Reversal (R) When Attacked by someone with a penalty you created, Defend by rolling your single status die and the Attacker also suffers that much damage.

Favored By Darkness (I) Whenever you roll a 1 on a die, reroll that die once.

Shadow Beams (A) Attack using Ranged Combat.  Use your Max die.  Recover Health equal to your Min die.

Umbral Binding (A) Hinder using Infernal.  Use your Max + Mid dice, or use your Max die and make the penalty persistent and exclusive.

Upgrades & Masteries (optional):

Power Upgrade (I) +20 Health.  Increase all Power dice sizes by one (max d12). 

Master of the Unfathomable (I) If you are in a situation involving eldritch forces, automatically succeed at an Overcome to do the bidding of eldritch entities beyond human concerns.


ShadowPyre is a fairly basic flying blaster.  He tries to stay out of melee range and exploit his aerial mobility in a fight while Hindering and Attacking the targets of opportunity.  His tactics aren't very sophisticated, but he'll hit groups of enemies with Chilling Energies to debuff them while self-Boosting, then hammer a single target with Shadow Beams using that bonus.  Anyone who seems like a real threat (other flyers, people with strong ranged attacks) will get hit with Umbral Bindings to impose a lasting debuff, which also helps keep his status die up.  When attacked he'll use Dark Reversal as a reaction, usually followed by an immediate counterattack on the hero that tried to harm him.  Favored By Darkness helps his efficiency quite a bit with rerolls.

His upgrade significantly improves his power dice, and lets him hear his "benefactor" more clearly to use his mastery.


"Science Crime" Operatives d10 lieutenants and d8 minions

Description: Ordinary humans in brightly-colored jumpsuits with impractical-looking goggles and carrying a mix of sci-fi blaster guns and charged batons.  Most are just run-of-the-mill thugs getting paid extra to dress up funny, but their leaders are either aspiring mad scientist types or (rarely) veteran agents who like the pay bonus for the stupid outfits.

Most such Operatives will have the following ability:

Zap Guns & Shock Rods: You gain a +1 bonus to Attack actions.

Lieutenants will also have one of the following additional abilities:

Force Field Generator: When you take a Defend action, you may Defend yourself and up to H nearby minions. 

Mega-Cannon: You gain a +4 bonus to Attack actions.  If you roll a one or a maximum result on an Attack, reduce your die size by one.  This replaces the Zap Guns & Shock Rods ability.

Reinforcements Authorized: Roll your status die and add that many d8 minions (to a maximum of H new minions) to the scene nearby.  They have the Zap Guns & Shock Rods ability and cannot act until the next round.

Strike Team Leader: When you take a Boost action, you may target up to H nearby minions at once.

= the number of heroes in the scene, if that wasn't apparent.

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