A trio of street-level super-criminals, mostly in it for the money and to build their reputations. Given time they might grow to become serious solo threats, but for now they work together to deal with older and more experienced heroes. They make good opposition for fellow teenaged supers as well. How serious a menace they are depends on what your campaign needs, but the writeups below assume they're fairly innocuous. As written the group is more likely to KO an enemy and leave them someplace embarrassing than kill them and dump their bodies in the sewer.
Easy enough to reskin them into adult villains if desired. If you wanted to split them up Shootout is decent as a solo threat, while Black Rabbit is more of a team support type and Kid Coppertop really benefits a lot from someone else handing him some bonuses.
The Hooligans Three
Relatively new on the supercrime scene, the Hooligans Three are a group of teenaged villains with a penchant for nighttime burglary and the occasional daylight heist job. They appear to be solely motivated by the money and generally avoid serious confrontations with either law enforcement or other supers. Black Rabbit appears to be the brains of the operation, with Shootout providing the main muscle and his semi-sidekick Kid Coppertop backing him up as a distraction and team getaway artist. They've eluded arrest to date and nothing is known for certain of their origins or civilian identities.
Black Rabbit
Black Rabbit (real name unknown, possibly "Jen" from overheard banter) appears to have had extensive training in a variety of criminal skills, ranging from intrusion, burglary and safecracking to running a successful confidence game, and definitely prefers the subtle approach compared to her more flashy teammates. She's very mission focused and prefers to leave the fighting to others, although she's quite competent when she is forced to defend herself, using an agile fighting style and a variety of concealed weaponry with a distinct "American ninja" style to them. Some reports suggest that she may have some form of luck manipulation powers as well, and the Hooligans certainly seem to get all the breaks when they need them.
She seems to be the team's chief planner, usually favoring quick in-and-out heists that rely on surprise or burglaries that take advantage of her own thieving skills or Kid Coppertop's ability to bypass security via teleportation through the electrical grid. She and Shootout may be romantically involved, or at least Shootout seems to think so. Black Rabbit is frequently annoyed by the lack of subtlety her teammates display, although it's lead to her declaring they need her around to keep an eye on them rather than looking for more compatible allies.
Description: Lightly built woman dressed in a loose black "modern ninja" outfit, her features concealed by a black hood topped with two-foot long cloth rabbit ears that seem weirdly adept at expressing her emotions. Must be an artistic conceit. Only her eyes can be seen when in full costume. When in civilian clothing, a pale young woman of Japanese descent favoring a modern goth look with a lot of cheap silver jewelry and black hair ribbons. She speaks English with a distinct New Jersey accent and knows less Japanese than the average American anime fan.
Gender: Female Age: 19? Height: 5'2" Eyes: Black
Hair: Jet Black Skin: Pale Build: Delicate
Approach: Skilled
Archetype: Formidable (Weakness: Radiant, Bright Lights)
Health: 40 + (5 x H)
Powers: Intuition d10, Agility d8, Leaping d6
Qualities: Acrobatics d10, Alertness d10, Insight d8, Master Thief d8, Persuasion d8, Self-Discipline d8
Status: No Weakness Penalties - d12 / Both Bonuses and Penalties - d8 / Only Weakness Penalties - d4
Fortunate Child (A) Boost yourself using Intuition. Use your Max + Min dice. Remove all penalties on yourself.
Lucky Evasion (R) When Attacked, Defend yourself by rolling your single Acrobatics die. Deal that much damage to another target.
Shared Fortune (A) Boost yourself using Intuition. Use your Max die. Boost a nearby ally using your Mid die. Boost another nearby ally using your Min die.
Take Advantage (A) Take any basic action using your Max die. Recover Health equal to your Mid die.
Upgrades & Masteries (optional):
Calming Aura (I) +10 Health. The heroes act as being in the Green zone for status die, ability access, and all abilities. Heroes may remove this ability with three Overcome successes. If a hero takes a minor twist while attempting these Overcomes, you may use a reaction to Hinder them by rolling your single Intuition die.
Master Mercenary (I) If you have a contract for a specific task, automatically succeed at an Overcome when your payment is at stake.
Black Rabbit relies on her unnatural good luck and inhuman reflexes in a fight, and will frequently focus on her mission through Overcomes rather than simply brawling with foes. Shared Fortune is her usual opening move, granting herself and two allies handy bonuses. Lucky Evasion lets her Defend herself efficiently while also handing out some damage, and if she's being affected by her weakness to radiant energy and bright lights she'll pause to shed the penalties with Fortunate Child as soon as possible. If she absolutely has to deal damage she'll use Take Advantage to do so, but the ability lets her do anything, and that includes Overcomes.
Her upgrade reflects every lucky break going her way and every misfortune hampering the heroes, all in subtle ways. Her mastery helps ensure she carries off whatever theft she's been hired to perform with style and grace.
Shootout (real name unknown) has the ability to create invisible psionic constructs he calls "imaginary guns" at will, and is amazingly accurate with the "mind bullets" they fire. These "bullets" can inflict either physical damage (apparently via some kind of telekinetic effect) or psychic harm (a crude empathic effect) as desired. He seems to be able to create whatever type of firearm he likes but favors twin high-caliber pistols. That hasn't stopped him from whipping up unreal submachineguns, rifles, and even a rocket launcher in the past. Thankfully he seems to be squeamish about killing his targets and usually contents himself with knocking victims out through mental trauma or taking trick shots that leave them trapped under wreckage or otherwise temporarily out of action.
Shootout seems to be something of a mentor or big brother figure for Kid Coppertop, and may be romantically involved with Black Rabbit. He seems a bit less money-hungry than his teammates and more willing to back off in the face of serious opposition, but he's loyal enough to stand and fight if the others insist - and he's damn good at it too.
Description: Rather average-looking young Caucasian man, usually dressed in unremarkable street clothing. When he knows he's going on a job he favors either a cowboy look (complete with ten-gallon hat) or a 1920s gangster style with a natty dark-colored suit and fedora, accessorized with a red bandana drawn over the bottom half of his face as a mask. He tries to adopt an accent to match his current style but he's not very good at it. His imaginary guns are only visible to himself or to those who can perceive invisible psionic constructs. Unless he's deliberately shooting to kill his targets suffer psychic trauma rather than physical injury, although his "bullets" affect non-living targets as though they were real.
Gender: Male Age: 19? Height: 5'7" Eyes: Brown
Hair: Sandy Brown Skin: Well Tanned Build: Wiry
Approach: Specialized Archetype: Predator
Health: 35 + (5 x H)
Powers: Imaginary Firearms d10, Agility d8
Qualities: Ranged Combat d12, Alertness d8, Master of Gun Fu d8
Status: (# of Enemies Engaged) 0-1 - d10 / 2-3 - d8 / 4+ - d6
Bullet With Your Name On It (A) Attack using Ranged Combat. Use your Max + Min dice. That target cannot Defend or use reactions against this Attack.
Careful Shot (A) Attack using Ranged Combat. Use your Max + Min dice. Defend yourself using your Mid die.
Fast As A Speeding Bullet (R) Defend against an Attack where you're the only target by rolling your single Master of Gun Fu die. One other nearby target takes damage equal to the amount of damage reduced.
Take Stock (A) Boost yourself using Alertness. Use your Max die. This bonus is persistent and exclusive. Defend yourself using your Mid die against all Attacks until the start of your next turn.
Two Guns Blazing (A) Hinder multiple targets using Imaginary Firearms. Use your Max die. Attack any target that gains a penalty this way that already had a penalty created by you using your Mid + Min dice.
Upgrades & Masteries (optional):
Group Fighter (I) +20 Health. When you take an action that lets you make an Attack, also make an Attack using your Mid die.
Master Mercenary (I) If you have a contract for a specific task, automatically succeed at an Overcome when your payment is at stake.
Shootout is amazingly effective with the guns he imagines into being but lacks a real killer instinct, so he'll often take fancy trick shots and aims to disable rather than kill. He prefers to open a fight with Take Stock to size up his foes, then launch into a Two Guns Blazing onslaught, trying to time things so he can use the ability late in one round and early in the next while the initial penalties are still in place to grant him extra shots. Against dangerous targets he'll use Careful Shot and Fast As A Speeding Bullet to protect himself. If an opponent displays strong defenses or reactions he has a Bullet With Your Name On It to counteract them.
His upgrade makes him even better at cranking out damage, while his mastery makes him better at finishing the job when his pay is on the line.
Kid Coppertop
Kid Coppertop (real name unknown) is a walking electric dynamo, capable of emitting powerful shocks and even transforming himself into pure energy to travel through conductive materials like power lines and steel girders. He can bring willing allies along with him on these jaunts, and often acts as the team's "transport guy" both to make getaways and to penetrate physical security. Jumping into a protected site invariably triggers alarms and damages the wiring though, so any burglary needs to be done fast when using this approach. He's also surprisingly strong and tough for his size and apparent age. The origin of his powers is unknown as of this date.
Overheard banter between the Hooligans Three has established that he's at least a year younger than the others, and he claims to be 18 despite looking several years younger. Despite that, he has excellent connections within the supercrime community and has done a lot to establish the team's reputation as up-and-coming villains worthy of respect. He seems to idolize Shootout to some degree, and usually works with him as a noisy distraction while Black Rabbit gets on with the actual theft.
Description: Scrawny baby-faced teenager who can't possibly be a real supervillain, can he? Electrical arcs crawl all over him when he's powered up and his shocks have a kick to them, so I guess he is. Usually dresses to match whatever style Shootout is using, and could reasonably be mistaken as his sidekick. Do villains even have sidekicks? He's much better at faking a Texan or Chicago accent than Shootout is and speaks Japanese fluently, both of which are sources of annoyance for his teammates.
Gender: Male Age: 18, Honest (looks younger) Height: 5'4" Eyes: Bright Green
Hair: Like Fine Copper Wire Skin: Pale, Copper Freckles Build: Skinny
Approach: Underpowered
Archetype: Formidable (Weakness: Electrical Insulators and Short Circuits)
Health: 35 + (5 x H)
Powers: Electricity d8, Strength d6, Teleportation d6, Vitality d6
Qualities: Fitness d10, Criminal Underworld Info d8, Organic Dynamo d8
Status: No Weakness Penalties - d12 / Both Bonuses and Penalties - d8 / Only Weakness Penalties - d4
Alternating Current (A) Boost using Electricity. Use your Max die. The bonus is persistent and exclusive. Attack using your Mid die.
Direct Current (A) Destroy one of your bonuses. Deal each opponent damage equal to the value of that bonus.
Short Circuit (A) Attack using Electricity. Use your Max + Mid dice. Take irreducible damage equal to your Min die. If you roll doubles you cannot use this ability again during this scene.
Showering Sparks (A) Attack multiple targets using Organic Dynamo. Defend against all Attacks against you until your next turn using your Min die.
Tough Little Guy (R) When Attacked, Defend yourself by rolling your single Vitality die. If your roll reduces the damage to exactly zero, use that roll to Boost yourself and to Hinder the source of the Attack and Recover that much Health.
Upgrades & Masteries (optional):
Power Upgrade (I) +20 Health. Increase the die size of each of your powers by one step (maximum of d12).
Master Mercenary (I) If you have a contract for a specific task, automatically succeed at an Overcome when your payment is at stake.
Kid Coppertop is all about flashy electrical arcs and the smell of ozone in the air, even if his shocks aren't the strongest ever. He'll usually open with Alternating Current to pump himself up, then use Showering Sparks against multiple foes or Short Circuit against a single enemy. If he's facing resistant targets he may burn a bonus to use Direct Current. He'll try to hold off on using his Tough Little Guy reaction for times when the damage might be reduced to exactly zero to get that big rider effects on it. His teleportation power involves momentarily turning into pure electricity and reforming elsewhere, but requires either a clear line of travel or an electrical conductor to travel along. He can bring nearby allies along with him by using an Overcome action, but his passengers suffer from any twists that result, which usually combine some damage along with winding up at the wrong location.
His upgrade gets his powers up to more effective levels, and his mastery helps him finish the job in a robbery - which frequently means teleporting away with his allies to make a timely escape with the loot.
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