Sunday, March 19, 2023

The Glomp In the Swamp, Zombie Plague Vector

 A mysterious swamp monster that conceals a biological menace in the form of a strain of psychic viruses.

The Glomp In the Swamp

"Heck, I don't know what it is!  We've had stories about the Glomp in the swamp for generations, but I never knew anyone who'd actually seen the thing for real...until the zombies started showing up.  Those are my kinfolk and my neighbors out there.  You gotta save 'em!"

The Glomp's origin is unknown, but it only went from legend to reality recently.  Seemingly an animated mass of swamp debris, it actually serves as the locus of a psychic viral intelligence bent on spreading itself to as many hosts as possible, overwriting its unwilling hosts' minds in the process.  The more complex an organism is the more attractive a host it is for the viral Overmind, which makes humans prime targets for infection.  Heroes may be able to free victims from this mental domination using suitable powers, super-science cures, magical rituals or stranger means, but they'll need to do so without harming innocent victims of the Overmind.

"What?  Because that's how it gets you, that's why.  You drop your guard in the swamp and BAM, it glomps right on to you and drags you off and no one ever sees you again.  At least that's the legend.  Looks like the last part was wrong, anyway."

Description: A mass of stinking mud, swamp vegetation, waterlogged branches and rotting animal carcasses, all bound together in a roughly humanoid form.  Its consistency varies from nearly liquid to a disgustingly thick and clinging stew of corruption.  It has no voice, unless that gurgling and sloshing is meant to convey meaning.

Gender: None           Age: Unknown            Height: 6'5"          Eyes: Clusters of Frog Eggs

"Hair": Rotting Weeds & Sticks     "Skin": Greenish-Brown       Build: Oozing Muck

Approach: Dampening                   Archetype: Indomitable

Health:  45 + (5 x H)

Powers: Suggestion d10, Density Control d8, Strength d8

Qualities: Conviction d10, Close Combat d8, Fitness d8, Unearthly Muck Monster d8

Status: Always d8


Flailing Blows (A) Attack using Strength.  Use your Max die.  Recover Health equal to your Min die.

Focus Overmind (A) Boost yourself using Conviction.  Use your Max die.  The bonus is persistent and exclusive.

Mental Entanglement (A) Hinder using Suggestion.  Use your Max die.  The penalty is persistent and exclusive.  As long as that penalty is on the target, reduce the highest power die of your choice by one die size.  Attack using your Mid die.

Overmind Infection (R) When a nearby hero you can see invokes a twist, roll your single Suggestion die as a Hinder against them.

Upgrades & Masteries (optional):

Overmind Compulsion Zone (I) +10 Health.  While the scene is in the green zone, all heroes' qualities of d8 or higher are reduced by one die size.  In the Yellow zone all of the heroes' qualities of d10 or higher are reduced by one additional step (two die sizes total).  In the Red zone, all heroes' quality dice are treated as d4.  Heroes can remove this upgrade with three overcome successes.  If a hero takes a minor twist while taking these Overcomes, they lose access to a quality entirely until this upgrade is removed.  If a hero is knocked out while this ability is active, create a new friendly minion with a die size equal to the hero's largest power die to represent the brainwashed hero.

Master of the Unfathomable (I) If you are in a situation involving eldritch forces, automatically succeed at an Overcome to do the bidding of eldritch entities beyond human concerns.


The Glomp's goal is to infect others with its Overmind's mental plague, transforming them into mindless zombies that spread the psychic infection further.  It usually uses Focus Overmind to augment its abilities, then concentrates on spreading Mental Entanglement penalties around either in melee or at range.  Resistant targets (anyone who sheds their persistent penalty) suffer Flailing Blows instead.  Any twists an opponent invokes draw an Overmind Infection reaction as it concentrates it compulsions in a moment of weakness.

With its upgrade the Glomp is much better at handicapping its foes and drawing out more twists, while its mastery lets it perform the bidding of the Overmind more efficiently.  Additionally, any hero who's defeated while the upgrade is still active will become a mind-controlled puppet.

In scenes where the Overmind's malefic presence is felt most twists should be focused on representing its influence.  A minor twist might reduce a hero's highest quality die by one size till the end of the scene, or force them to take an immediate free basic action of the Overmind's choice by rolling one of their power dice.  A major twist might reduce a quality die directly to d4, or make the hero incapable of taking reactions or actions other than attempting an Overcome to free their mind.  Such an Overcome can also be attempted by an ally.   


Glomp Zombie d8 minions

Description: Unarmed human victims of the Overmind's psychic plague, with a sickly greenish tinge to their skins, vacant staring eyes, and spattered with mud and rotting vegetation.  Their movements are jerky but they have incredible strength.

Curable: Heroes can take an Overcome action to free your will.  On a success you are removed from the the scene, either fleeing to safety or collapsing from the strain of your experience.

Innocent Victims: Heroes suffer a -4 penalty to Attack actions targeting you.

Glomp Gator d10 lieutenants

Description: Alligators, boa constrictors or other dangerous animals controlled by the Overmind's psychic plague.  They've been heavily parasitized by moss and fungus, and are wracked with spasmodic twitching.

Plague Vector: If your Attack action causes a hero's personal Health zone to change, reduce the die size of one of their qualities by one until the end of the scene.  This effect can be removed with a suitable Overcome action.


Eerie Swampland 

The kind of wetland that features in horror movies, not nature documentaries.  The twists below assume the Glomp and its Overmind are influencing the area, but you can modify it for use in other situations by swapping in different minions and lieutenants.  You might use natural animals, mundane criminals hiding out in the marsh, agents of some sinister organization (no doubt with a secret base concealed therein), supernatural menaces, or something even stranger. 

Disturbing Silence d6, Drifting Fog d8, Treacherous Footing d10

Green Zone

(Minor Twists)

Impenetrable Fog: Roll the environment dice.  Start a challenge.  Clear the Fog 0  Defend all non-hero targets against all Attacks with the Min die until this challenge is Overcome.

This Place Is Creepy: Roll the environment dice.  Start challenge.  Keep It Together 0  Hinder all heroes with the Min die until this challenge is Overcome.

(Major Twist)

Really Creepy!: Each environmental challenge in play requires one extra success to Overcome.  

Yellow Zone

(Minor Twists)

Impenetrable Fog: Roll the environment dice.  Start a challenge.  Clear the Fog 00  Defend all non-hero targets against all Attacks with the Min die until this challenge is Overcome.

Stuck In the Muck: Roll the environment dice.  Hinder a number of non-flying heroes equal to the Min die with the Max die.  These heroes cannot move until the start of the next environment turn.

Swampwalkers!: Roll the environment dice.  Add Mid die Glomp Zombie minions to the scene.  They cannot act until next round.

That Is Not A Log: Add one Glomp Gator d10 lieutenant to the scene.  It cannot act until next round.

(Major Twist)

Snakebit!: Roll the environment dice.  Attack and Hinder one hero using the Mid die.  The penalty is persistent and exclusive.

Red Zone

(Minor Twist)

Amphibious Ambush: Roll the environment dice.  Add one Glomp Gator d10 lieutenant to the scene and Boost it using the Min die.  It takes its turn immediately, making an Attack action against one non-flying hero.

Dark Portents: Roll the environment dice.  Boost all non-hero targets using the Mid die.

(Major Twist)

Oppressive Presence: Roll the environment dice.  Attack and Hinder all heroes using the Max die.

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1 comment:

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