Sunday, May 14, 2023

Red Vendetta, Anarchist Assassin With A Whiff Of Sorcery About Her

A fanatical assassin who's pretty much on no one's side, the kind of person who'd use the distractions of an unrelated super-fight to score a quick kill before withdrawing into the shadows again.  

Red Vendetta

The young woman known as Red Vendetta has no confirmed civilian identity, and her apparent age is belied by reports of her being active in a similar capacity long before even World War 2.  Some investigators have even found photographic evidence of someone who looks very much like her during the Russian Civil War, apparently fighting for both the White and Red factions at different times.  Several mystic heroes who've crossed paths with her claim that her obvious magical talents are the result of some form of blood pact with an unknown infernal entity, and note that such pacts frequently include cursed forms of longevity or even immortality.  The only definite thing that can be said about her is that she seems fanatically devoted to militant anarchistic beliefs, opposing all forms of governmental, corporate, and religious control over society with a violent passion.  She also clearly regards many supers (primarily heroes) as pawns of the existing order and fair game for her personal crusade, although she's aware of the dangers of fighting them head to head and prefers to prey on unpowered victims.

Her exact capabilities are similarly uncertain but she's definitely displayed magical talents used to conceal herself and her weapons, augment her attacks with curses and dark shadowy energy, and create more elaborate effects by performing suitable rituals.  Her signature wing construct is clearly a product of sorcery, not science, although it could be confused for some form of steampunk mechanism on first glance.   Whatever her age, Red Vendetta is not shy in the least about using modern weapons, and is a deadly shot with everything from pistols to submachineguns to sniper rifles, and has even been known to employ grenades and other explosives.  She's also a capable knife-fighter and a dangerous woman with a hatchet or wood axe.  Her arsenal appears to be wholly mundane (one recovered pistol was even traced to a random shooting in Chicago in 2018) but in her hands they're augmented with infernal energies.

Red Vendetta has few actual allies, but has been known to take advantage of other villains' schemes to quietly strike at distracted targets (powered or mundane) before making her escape in the confusion.  Megalomaniacal "rule the world" villains and organizations are as much her foe as any national government or megacorporation, but her history as a killer and lethal approach to combat makes it unlikely that heroes will find common ground with her even in the short term. 

Description: A very young woman, thin and seemingly frail, dressed in dark red long-sleeved tunic and pants with black calf-high boots.  She wears a flowing blood-red cloak over the outfit, its voluminous hood nearly concealing her scarred features.  She seems to have an impossible arsenal of weaponry (blades, pistols, grenades, even a sniper rifle) concealed within her costume and the folds of her cloak, suggesting some form of dimensional compression power at work.  Her voice is harsh like a smoker who's had the habit for far longer than her apparent age, and she has a slight Russian accent.

She's usually accompanied by her wing construct, a bat-winged animated mechanism made of steel rods and canvas fabric attached to a complicated array of leather straps and brass buckles.  The thing can carry her weight through the air but little more, and moves with erratic, darting motions like the bat it vaguely resembles.

Gender: Female        Age: Unknown (Appears Late Teens)        Height: 5'3"        Eyes: Brown

Hair: Dark Brown          Skin: Caucasian, Smallpox Scars          Build: Frail-Looking

Approach: Underpowered                     Archetype: Predator

Health: 25 + (5 x H)

Powers: Infernal d8, Agility d6, Arsenal of Weaponry d6, Invisibility d6

Qualities: Stealth d10, Anarchist Assassin d8, Magical Lore d8, Insight d6

Status: (# of Enemies Engaged) 0-1 - d10 / 2-3 - d8 / 4+ - d6


Blood Pact Magic (A) Attack using Infernal.  Use your Max + Mid dice.  Take irreducible damage equal to your Min die.  If you roll doubles, you cannot use this ability again for the rest of the scene.

Canny Maneuvering (A) Boost using Stealth.  Use your Max die.  Hinder using your Mid die.  Attack using your Min die.

Devil's Own Fortune (A) Attack using Infernal.  If you roll doubles add that value to your Attack.  If you roll triples add all three dice to your Attack

Master Sniper (I) Double any mods of your choice involved with taking actions against a target that is unaware of you presence or distracted from remembering you're still around.

Stalking Your Target (A) Boost yourself using Stealth.  Use your Max die.  This bonus is persistent and exclusive.  Defend yourself using your Mid die against all Attacks until the start of your next turn.

Upgrades & Masteries (usually in play):

Villainous Vehicle +15 Health  Include a Wing Construct d8 lieutenant with the following abilities in the scene.  Darting Target (I) To Attack this vehicle a hero must make an Overcome action to be able to predict its motions. Escape Plan (R) If the Villain is Attacked roll this vehicle's die.  If it rolls higher than the villain's current Health, both the villain and the vehicle escape the scene.  Recovery (A) Roll the vehicle's die.  The villain Recovers that much health.  Sturdy (I) When rolling a damage save, add +2 to the result.

Master of Mysticism (I) If you have access to proper materials, automatically succeed at an Overcome in a situation involving harnessing magical forces.


Red Vendetta is an assassin by nature, and prefers to stalk and eliminate isolated targets from ambush when possible.  She'll usually try to remain concealed until an opening presents itself, using Overcome actions to find a good vantage point and elude detection and Boosting herself with Stalking Your Target if possible before launching her first strike.  Master Sniper makes her mods very, very effective against unsuspecting foes.  Once she reveals herself she'll blitz her chosen victim with Blood Pact Magic while she can, switching to Devil's Own Fortune once the former ability fails her.  If she needs to shift to another target she relies on Canny Maneuvering followed by an attempt to Overcome with Stealth to conceal herself again or take advantage of any distractions going on in the scene.

Her upgrade is normally in use unless her Wing Construct has been destroyed in an earlier scene and she hasn't had time to cobble together and enchant a new one, something her mastery makes easier for her to accomplish.

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