Friday, July 28, 2023

Hell-Hawk and His Angels of SIN, Aerial Menaces

Continuing on from my earlier Agents of SIN post, this expands that organization a bit with a new villainous engineer and his personal task force of agents and robots.


Arno Wells is an engineer, roboticist, and member of the Science Integration Network, whose technocratic goals align with his interests.  In addition to his technological talents, he also operates as the supervillain Hell-Hawk, engaging in missions for the organization and occasionally for his own purposes.  Most SIN researchers prefer to let others field-test their creations while remaining safely in the lab, but Arno is happy to get out there and see how his latest mecha-raptors perform - taking reasonable precautions against being captured himself, of course.

Wells' specialty ("obsession" might be more accurate) is recreating organic aviform flight with robotics, which translates to building mechanical birds and "angel wing" flight packs for human agents.  With access to SIN's resources he's made the technology reliable and effective, although it isn't really any more efficient than more conventional means of flight, much less super-tech like anti-grav impellers and reactionless thrusters, and his combat raptors aren't really any more effective than human operatives with advanced technology or biological augmentations.  His eccentricities are still seen as acceptable given how useful the SIN/OD division finds his more lifelike camouflaged robo-birds for espionage and recon work.  Nobody pays any attention to pigeons and seagulls, after all.

Arno's obsession with emulating avian flight with robotics stems from the plane crash that orphaned him and left him with his extensive burn scars.  The last thing he saw as the emergency services crew took him from the crash site was a hawk circling high overhead, leading to a lifelong focus on developing safer forms of flight than conventional aviation technologies.  Birds, as he's quick to point out, never fall out of the sky on fire.  The uncle who adopted him was happy to encourage the ten year old's interests, at first to keep him occupied and later, when it became clear the boy had a real genius, for practical reasons.  His uncle was a covert member of SIN, and introduced his talented nephew to the organization when he was still in his twenties.  He's since risen to become a respected (albeit eccentric) member of the organization.

Description: A tall, wide-shouldered figure wearing a streamlined suit of lightweight powered armor incorporating prominent angel-like wings.  The suit is a mix of bright reds and oranges, with bright yellow metallic feathers, and sports flame projectors and slashing blades on both forearms.  Its helmet is is shaped like a hawk's head and completely conceals the wearer's feature, with glowing blue optic sensors.  The integral voice modulator can emit a variety of birdlike shrieks as well as human speech with mechanical overtones.

Gender: Male        Age: 30-Something        Height: 6'1" (12' Wingspan)       Eyes: Blue

Hair: Shaved            Skin: Pale, Extensive Burn Scars            Build: Broad-Shouldered

Approach: Creator                         Archetype: Bruiser

Health:  35 + (5 x H)

Powers: Robotics d10, Fire d8, Flight d8, Power Suit d6

Qualities: Technology d10, Acrobatics d8, Criminal Underworld Info d8, Imposing d8, Obsessive Mecha-Ornithologist d8 

Status: Green Zone Health - d6 / Yellow Zone Health - d8 / Red Zone Health - d10


Call the Raptors (A) Use Robotics to create a number of minions equal to the value of your Max die.  The starting die size of those minions is the same as the die size of your Min die. 

Fierce Flyers (A) Attack using Technology.  Use your Max die with a bonus equal to the number of minions you control.

Invigorating Flight (A) Defend using Acrobatics.  Use your Mid + Min dice.  Recover Health equal to your Max die.

Pain Makes Me Stronger (R) When Attacked, use the amount of damage taken from the Attack to Boost yourself.

Upgrades & Masteries (optional):

Villainous Vehicle +15 Health.  Add a War-Eagle d8 Lieutenant with the following abilities to the scene:  Bombard (A) Attack all heroes with this vehicle's roll.  Use this ability only if the vehicle is below its starting die size or the scene is in the Red zone.  Distance Attack (I) In order to Attack this vehicle, the hero must make an Overcome action in order to get close enough to it.  Escape Plan (R) When Hell-Hawk is Attacked, roll this vehicle's die.  If it rolls higher than Hell-Hawk's current Health, both he and the vehicle escape the scene.  Minion Deployment (A) Add minions to an existing group equal to half the vehicle's current die size.  These minions are of a size equal to the highest die size already in the group.  If the vehicle has a bonus or penalty adjust the number of minions by that amount and then remove that mod.

Master of Conquest (I) As long as you are in command of your own forces, automatically succeed at an Overcome to seize an area or capture civilians.


Hell-Hawk is a mobile and enthusiastic combatant, soaring wildly around the battlefield while his mechanical hawks distract and confuse the foe.  He gleefully exploits Attacks to gain the benefits of Pain Makes Me Stronger and then channels the resulting bonuses into flooding the scene with more minions using Call the Raptors.  Once he has a sufficient number of them in play or hits d8 status from damage, he'll shift Attacking with their aid using Fierce Flyers and his integral weapons.  Only when badly battered will he break off the assault to use Invigorating Flight the restore himself for more action, although he will pause to summon more mecha-hawks if their numbers are sufficiently depleted.

If his upgrade is available he brings a high-flying War-Eagle flying arsenal to the battle, which can provide a variety of benefits, deploying more mecha-hawks, bombarding foes with its payload of munitions, acting as a distraction and offering a quick escape.  His mastery makes his fleet of flying robots even more dangerous than normal.


Science Integration Network (SIN)

The Science Integration Network maintains a low-profile front as a global initiative to share scientific research data for the good of humanity, but its true nature is much darker and better fitted to their SIN acronym.  A largely secretive conspiracy of would-be technocrats and fringe scientists, their ultimate goal is to dominate the world through the power of superior technology and free researchers from the stifling bonds of ethics, morality and other superstitions.  Their goals are appealing to many technically-oriented super-geniuses, although most of them are too megalomaniacal to cooperate with others long enough to advance SIN's agenda much.

The organization has two main divisions, the Operations Directive and the Novel Engineering Research branch.  The SIN/OD specializes in industrial espionage, internal and external security, and direct action against rivals.  They employ cutting edge military-grade equipment when secrecy isn't a priority, and spy-fi gadgetry when remaining covert.  SIN/NER concentrates on developing and testing new technology, including conducting research into the nature of super powers of all kinds.  Most often found field testing experimental devices as part of the organization's overall goals, SIN/NER agents have also been known to hunt supers (both heroes and villains) for use as experimental specimens and test subjects.

Hell-Hawk has worked with both divisions on occasion, and has his own specialized flight-capable "Angels of Sin" squads available to him, led by "Fallen Angel" lieutenants.  He prefers to rely on his own mecha-raptors for combat duties, but having some minions with actual hands along to carry captives and loot does come in handy.       


Mecha-Raptors d6, d8 or d10 minion (see Call the Raptors)

Description: Obviously mechanical birds of prey in a variety of sizes and "species" modeled after real hawks, falcons, eagles, etc.  Armed with sharp claws, beaks and wing-blades, with many incorporating small flame projectors as well.

Robotic Aviforms:  You may move as though you had Flight equal to your current die size.

Angels of SIN d8 minion

Description: Colorfully-garbed human operatives with birdlike mechanical wing harnesses and carrying a variety of scifi "blaster" weaponry and humming shock batons.  Their jumpsuits are bright red and their signature SIN hoods are flame orange, foregoing the usual blue tones. 

Wing Harnesses:  You may move as though you had Flight d6.  While flying, you gain a +1 bonus to saves against damage.

"Fallen Angel" Operative d10 lieutenant

Description: They share the overall look of the lesser Angel agents, but their wings are larger and more powerful.

Aerial Ace:  You may move as though you had Flight d8.  While flying, you gain a +1 bonus to saves against damage.

Ground Attack Run:  You may make an Attack action against multiple targets that aren't flying.  

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