Monday, August 7, 2023

Commander Savage, SEVER Assault Leader

SEVER (Superhuman EValuation and ERadication) is a conspiratorial semi-secret organization dedicated to identifying and exploiting the weaknesses of superhuman beings with a long term goal of "freeing normal humanity from the menace of the superfreaks" by any means necessary.   It has international reach but concentrates a great deal of its activity in the United States, which has a disproportionate amount of superhuman activity within its borders.  SEVER has illicit ties to many national governments and law enforcement agencies, providing enough information on supervillains and rogue vigilantes to operate quietly most parts of the world.  Their more extreme work (the "eradication" part of their agenda) requires covert maneuvering and plausible deniability even in the most cooperative countries.  

Any superhuman is a potential target for SEVER, although they tend to prioritize dealing with weaker targets who avoid the media spotlight.  Direct assaults are always a possibility, but the organization is also adept at playing so-called "heroes" and "villains" against one another and mopping up the survivors when the opportunity arises.  SEVER dislikes media attention themselves, and try to remain behind the scenes even when aiding "allied" government agencies in dealing with unsanctioned supers.

Commander Savage

Rico Savage is a former US army captain, and might still be in the service if not for a personal tragedy.  His wife and two infant children were killed during a confrontation between a particularly ruthless supervillain and a team of vigilante "heroes" who chose to prioritize capturing their foe over saving her hostages.  The loss shattered him, and the day after the vigilantes were publicly commended for their actions by the US president he walked away from his former life and straight into the ranks of SEVER.  

His story wasn't terribly unusual in that organization's ranks, but the skills he brought with him were.  In the four years he's worked for SEVER he's risen swiftly through the ranks from mere agent to commander in charge of planning and executing most eradication operations.  He frequently accompanies strike forces to ensure the targeted superbeings are eliminated and minimize losses among his own troops.  If he has any doubts about what he's doing or SEVER Prime's ultimate plans there's no apparent sign of it.  Commander Savage has gone from a loving husband and family man to a cold, calculating machine whose life revolves around fulfilling his current mission as efficiently as possible.

Description: A sturdy, muscular man wearing a baggy olive-green uniform topped with a tactical harness covered in specialized gadgetry for dealing with super-beings and their freakish powers.  He carries a unique three-section staff with concealed multispectrum blasters in each end, which can also lock together and extend a retractable blade to act as a spear.  He has a powerful voice and a marked air of command. 

Gender: Male        Age: 31       Height: 5'11"       Eyes: Brown

Hair: Black, High & Tight     Skin: Weathered Caucasian     Build: Burly

Approach: Tactician                         Archetype: Bruiser

Health:  40 + (5 x H)

Powers: Gadgets d8, Three-Section Blast-Staff d8, Agility d6, Awareness d6

Qualities: Leadership d10, Self-Discipline d8. Veteran Cape-Hunter d8, Fitness d6

Status: Green Zone Health - d6 / Yellow Zone Health - d8 / Red Zone Health - d10


CQB Drill (A) Attack one target using Three-Section Blast-Staff.  Use your Max die.  Either Hinder that target using your Mid die, or Attack a second target using your Mid die.

Defensive Drill (A) Defend using Self-Discipline.  Use your Mid + Min dice.  Recover Health equal to your Max die.

Quick Command (R) Take one irreducible damage to reroll an ally's dice pool.

Teamwork Drill (A) Take a basic action using Leadership.  Use your Max die.  One nearby ally also takes that same basic action as their reaction.

Upgrades & Masteries (optional):

Mook Squad +0 Health.  Gain Reinforcements (A) Replenish your SEVER Agent minions up to the number of heroes in the scene.

Master of Conquest (I) As long as you are in command of your own forces, automatically succeed at an Overcome to seize an area or capture civilians.


Commander Savage generally operates alongside an elite unit of lieutenant-grade agents, sometimes backed up with minions or battle suits.  He'll reserve his Quick Command reaction on the first ally who rolls poorly each round, helping offset the high variability of single-die henchman types.  Teamwork Drill is a versatile ability that improves the action economy of one of his soldiers, while Defensive Drill lets him protect himself or a key ally while also restoring health lost to damage or his own reaction.  He rarely resorts to CQB Drill unless caught without his supporting troops and he can't see a way to withdraw from the action to fight another day.

His upgrade gives him access to reinforcement troopers, which he'll call on when running low on allies.  His synergies still work pretty well on minions, and he needs some forces on the field to use his mastery. 


SEVER Agents d10 lieutenants and d8 minions

Description: Ordinary humans in baggy olive-green boiler-suit uniforms with snug hoods that leave just their faces exposed.  They carry a variety of Kirby-tech weapons and wear black utility belts hung with gadgetry and restraints designed to deal with superhumans.  Their outfits have the organization's signature "struck-through S" logo on their left chest in white.  Lieutenants have fancier weapons and gear but are otherwise identical.

All Sever Agents have the following ability:

Specialized Restraint Gear: When you Hinder a superhuman target, you may make that penalty persistent and exclusive.

Lieutenants will also have one or two of the following additional abilities:

Call For Backup: Roll your status die and add that many SEVER Agent d8 minions (to a maximum of H new minions) to the scene nearby.  They have the Specialized Restraint Gear ability and cannot act until the next round.

Coordinated Takedown: When you Hinder a target, any number of SEVER Agent minions who haven't acted this round may also roll their die and add them to yours to determine the total for establishing a penalty.  Those minions cannot act until next round.

Rally: When you Boost you may target all nearby SEVER Agent minions, and you may increase each minion's die size by one (max d8).

Whatever It Takes: You may reroll your die when taking an action, but your die size decreases by one after the reroll.


ACE Rigs d10 lieutenants

Description: Armored Combat Exoskeleton rigs are bulky 7' tall power assisted frames operated by elite SEVER agents and carrying heavy armor plating and oversized weaponry.  The machinery is an overall dark gray with some olive green accents.  ACE rigs are built for heavy combat against superhumans and are only used when remaining covert is no longer an option.

Heavy Duty: When you take an Attack action, you may also Defend yourself or a nearby ally with the same roll.

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