Saturday, October 21, 2023

Brutallo & Brutalla, Violent Cosmo-God Twins

A pair of largely-identical spacefaring thugs, inspired by Kirby's Eternals and New Gods, various smugly superior alien beings from all across scifi, and a dash of the Wonder Twins as seen through a funhouse mirror (these two get weaker together, not stronger). 

Brutallo & Brutalla

The cosmo-gods are a pantheon of immortal starfaring beings who occasionally amuse themselves by toying with lowly mortals, even those with superpowers.  Some of them claim to embody universal physical principles, philosophical concepts, or moral imperatives.  None of this seem to make them any more compassionate or comprehensible to lesser beings, and their appearance frequently presages disaster.  

Others are underachievers.  Brutallo and his twin Brutalla are underachievers.  They're little more than bullies with a hunger for power and attention, coupled with terrible tempers and the attention span of a toddler.  Their plans usually involve violent intimidation for the sake of proving their raw power, followed by establishing themselves petty tyrants with an entourage of locally-recruited toughs and bullies.  They rarely work with actual peers including each other, although when one of them shows up to terrorize a world the other will often make an appearance shortly thereafter - usually to compete with their twin in displays of gratuitous violence.

Driving off these space thugs with violence can be difficult for non-supers, and even heroes will find them a challenge to capture since they tend to dissolve into raw cosmic energy when soundly defeated.  Fortunately they do get bored easily and are likely to depart of their own accord after they've broken everything interesting they can find and grown tired of being kowtowed too.  They'll happily accept (or demand) offerings of local valuables but have no actual interest in trophies and will usually destroy their accumulated hoard when departing - leaving their followers out of luck and on their own.   

Description: A tall, athletically proportioned human figure (male or female depending on which twin it is) dressed in a skintight white unitard that leaves only their face and hair exposed.  Both wear their flaming hair long, and Brutallo sports a wild flowing beard and mustache that contrasts sharply with his dark blue skin as well.  The twins are invariably surrounded by a aura of yellow-orange Kirby crackle that dims as they take damage.  They both speak bombastically in booming voices.     

Gender: Male (Female)     Age: Eternal     Height: 6'2"          Eyes: Blazing White Orbs

Hair: Flowing Locks of Orange Flame     Skin: Navy Blue     Build: Perfectly Sculpted Physique

Approach:  Ancient                 Archetype:  Loner

Health:  40 + (5 x H)

Powers: Cosmic d12, Agility d10, Strength d10, Flight d8

Qualities: Close Combat d12, Ranged Combat d12, Imposing d10, Conviction d8, Immortal Cosmo-God d8

Status: (# of Other Allied Villains) 0 - d10 / 1-2 - d8 / 3+ - d6


Above Mortal Concerns (R) When you would be Hindered, reduce the penalty to -1.  When an Attack would reduce you to zero Health, reduce the damage to one.

Cosmic Might (A) Hinder multiple targets using Cosmic.  Use your Max die.  Attack each target using your Mid + Min dice.

Immortal Nature (I) If you would be reduced to zero Health and don't have a penalty on you, roll your single Cosmic die and become that Health.

Triumphant Rage (A) Attack using Strength.  Use your Max die.  Recover Health equal to your Mid + Min dice.

Upgrades & Masteries (usually active unless something has weakened them):

Cosmic Shield (I) You cannot be damaged by anything except yourself until the defense shield is destroyed.  The shield has 40 Health, or can be deactivated with three Overcome successes.  If a hero takes a minor twist working on the shield, you can use a Reaction to Attack that hero by rolling your single Cosmic die.  Gain Reestablish Shield (A) Overcome using Cosmic.  Use your Max die.  On a success remove one success from the deactivation challenge.  Alternatively, instead of an Overcome, use your Max die to Recover that much of the shield's Health.  This ability cannot be used if the shield has been completely removed.

Master of Annihilation (I) If you can cause massive collateral damage without regard for casualties, automatically succeed at an Overcome in a situation where a show of overwhelming force would help.


Brutallo and his twin share the same straightforward, aggressive style in combat.  They rely on their Cosmic Might first and foremost, especially against multiple opponents, leaving them reeling and snared in bonds of searing cosmic energy.  If a single foe draws their ire by resisting, they'll employ Triumphant Rage against them, either battering them in melee or hurling projectiles and debris as the mood takes them.  As cosmo-gods they are Above Mortal Concerns and difficult to hamper or truly defeat, and their Immortal Nature makes winning even a temporary victory difficult.  Even if apparently destroyed they'll eventually reform from the background radiance of the universe.

Unless something has actively weakened them, cosmo-gods will usually be protected by an aura of cosmic power that must be overcome to even attempt to harm them.  Brutallo's true nature is reflected in his destructive mastery, and Brutalla is even meaner.


In keeping with the tradition of silly hyphenated alien names in comics, their supranyms are actually mispronounced versions of their actual names, Bru-Tal-Lo and Bru-Tal-La.  It's remotely possible that one or both of these cosmic lunkheads might decide to be "clever" and adopt an alias using alien tech and cosmic power to alter their appearance for one reason or another.  This will almost invariably fall apart when they use their real name anyway, although they might be able to briefly fool a preschooler.  Canny heroes might decide to play along to figure out what they're up to, of course.

"Ambasador Bru-Tal-Lo of the Galactic Federation, you say?  And you've come to invite the world's leaders to a conference on the far side of this interstellar warp gate?  And they're welcome to bring all the superpowered bodyguards they'd like?  Well, let me just get to work sending out all the invitations, then."

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