A psychic villain-for-hire who actually wants to get in a brawl for a change. If you're using any of the Syracuse Seven stuff on the blog, he's a minor nemesis of fellow mutant super Meteoric, who was a classmate at the same training academy a few years back.
Vinson "Call Me Vin" Barlowe is a young mutant whose powers manifested about five years ago, leading to a brief petty crime spree and him being remanded to mandatory attendance at a specialized academy in upstate New York. He didn't take well to the training and left as soon as he'd satisfied his legal requirements. From there he gleefully took to a life of super-crime under the supranym Roughhouse, acting as a muscle for hire for mundane criminals or a useful distraction for other, more experienced villains. He hasn't been back in a courthouse yet, but it's really only a matter of time.
Roughhouse's power set is a bit of a rarity as a physically-oriented psychic who enjoys getting into a fistfight. He has quite potent telekinesis that he uses to protect himself and add a great deal of hitting power to his blows, but it doesn't project well beyond five or six feet. Many of the common TK tricks (like manipulating things at a distance) are beyond him because of this. He can easily lift a car, but not from a block away. He can also manage modest self-levitation through his TK, which is mostly used for reaching airborne foes. For mobility Roughhouse relies on fast, accurate teleportation, which he's practiced until he can employ it alongside his TK in a variety of surprising and effective combat moves.
Description: A well-tanned young man sporting an impressive mohawk and rather a lot of body piercings. He generally wears plain biker leathers, spiked gloves and boots when "working" and conceals his facial features with a combined bandit mask and face cloth held in place with his telekinesis. He has a slight Pennsylvanian accent, and saying the word "ask" properly is apparently just too much to "axe" of him. Speaks Spanish very, very badly.
Gender: Male Age: Early Twenties Height: 5'11" Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Black Mohawk, Tipped Green Skin: California Tan Build: A Little Thin
Approach: Leech Archetype: Guerrilla
Health: 35 + (5 x H)
Powers: Telekinesis d10, Teleportation d8, Flight d6
Qualities: Acrobatics d8, Banter d8, Criminal Underworld Info d8, Psionic Mutant Brawler d8
Status: (# of Enemies Engaged) 4+ - d10 / 2-3 - d8 / 0-1 - d6
Assault, Battery and More Assault (A) Attack using Psionic Mutant Brawler. Use your Max die against one target, your Mid die against a second target, and your Min die against a third target. If you Attack three targets, the damage is all irreducible.
Displacement Cascade (A) Hinder multiple targets using Teleportation. Recover Health equal to your Min die. If you roll doubles, also Attack one of those targets using your Max die.
Sucker Play (A) Attack one target using Psionic Mutant Brawler. Use your Max + Min die. Defend against all Attacks from targets other than that target with your Mid die until your next turn. All Defended damage is dealt to the target of your Attack instead.
TK Block (R) When Attacked, Defend yourself by rolling your single Telekinesis die. If this negates the Attack entirely, also Hinder the Attacker and Boost yourself using that roll.
Upgrades & Masteries (optional):
Group Fighter (I) +20 Health. When you take an action that lets you make an Attack, also make an Attack using your Mid die.
Master Mercenary (I) If you have a contract for a specific task, automatically succeed at an Overcome when your payment is at stake.
Roughhouse fights for kicks as much as he does for money and really enjoys showing off his combat moves. He tends to be overconfident about being able to escape with a timely teleport if things go wrong. If he wants to single someone out from a team he'll use Sucker Play to deliver TK-enhanced punches and then use teleportation to blink around his victim at short range in hopes of misdirecting foes so they strike his target. Against multiple foes he'll pile on the damage by teleporting between them rapidly and striking them from unexpected angles using Assault, Battery and More Assault. He'll use TK Block selectively, trying to maximize his chance of fully preventing damage to get the big rider effects off the reaction. Displacement Cascade is a mostly defensive maneuver, porting around the battlefield telekinetically shoving foes off balance while also popping some painkillers and looking for an opening to land a big hit.
His upgrade makes him even better in a brawl, and his mastery reflects getting an extra-big paycheck for motivation.
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