Saturday, November 25, 2023

She-Gator, Hulking Hybrid Gator-Woman

Following up on a post from a couple of days back, because why not?


She-Gator is the product of a well-intentioned but ill-advised emergency blood transfusion from Florida Man (with the assistance a slightly drunken small-town doctor).  She'd been found out in the swamps, burning up with fever from an infected gunshot wound in her shoulder.  When questioned she claimed to be one Anne-Marie Pratt, on the run from her murderous husband.  It wasn't until after the transfusion that the sheriff showed up with news that cannibal serial killer May-Anne Trapp had busted out of the local women's prison.  By the time the state police arrived to identify her and cart her back to jail her unexpected transformation was complete and she'd escaped again, this time through a gator-woman shaped hole in the back wall of Doc's office.  If the agents hadn't immediately arrested Florida Man as an accomplice he might have gotten her back, but at this point he just wants to forget the whole incident.

May-Ann's mind is at least as scrambled as Florida Man's and she was pretty homicidal to start with, so it's no great surprise that she's more vicious and animalistic than he is.  Unlike him, she's perfectly happy biting people and looks forward to doing it a lot in the future.  With her new capabilities she's found a haven in the super-crime underworld as effective but temperamental muscle, and is nowhere near as interested in finding out who she was and how she got this way as Florida Man is.  Very much lives life in the moment, this one.       

Description: She looks almost identical to Florida Man, but a little taller with slightly narrower shoulders and a longer snout.  She wears a custom blue-green one-piece woman's swimsuit, which is surprisingly modest considering she's no longer even slightly mammalian and has nothing to cover up top.  Skips on the bracelets and boots (she doesn't care if her clawed feet wreck your carpets and scratch up the hardwood), but she does wear a similar black utility belt.   

Gender: Female     Age: 25     Height: 6'10"     Eyes: Reflective

Hair: None                  Skin: Alligator Hide         Build: Hulking Gator-Woman Hybrid

Approach: Adaptive                     Archetype: Predator

Health: 30 + (5 x H)

Powers: Vitality d10, Gator Jaws d8, Strength d8, Swimming d6

Qualities: Close Combat d10, Amphibious Ambush Predator d8, Fitness d8, Imposing d8

Status: (# of Enemies Engaged) 0-1 - d10 / 2-3 - d8 / 4+ - d6


Amphibious Ambush (I) Double any mods of your choice involved with taking action against a target that is unaware of your presence or distracted from remembering you're still around.

Got A Taste Of You Now (I) On your turn, whenever you Attack a target you haven't already dealt damage too this scene, Boost yourself using your Max die.

I'm Predator, You're Prey (A) Attack using Close Combat.  Use your Max die.  If the target has a penalty you created or is in the Red zone, use your Max + Mid dice instead.

Just Making Me Mad (R) When Attacked, Defend yourself by rolling your single Vitality die.  Boost yourself using that roll.

Riled Up But Good (A) Take 1d6 irreducible damage.  Increase the die size of all your powers until the end of the scene.

Upgrades & Masteries (optional):

Group Fighter (I) +20 Health.  When you take an action that lets you make an Attack, also make an Attack using your Mid die.

Master of Total Chaos (I) Automatically succeed at an Overcome when you throw out all the rules during a situation that is spiraling out of control.


She-Gator prefers to face enemies in a nice, watery environment where she can conceal herself just beneath the surface and then come lunging out for a hard-hitting initial strike.  If she can start in an Amphibious Ambush like this she'll spend time using Riled Up But Good and taking basic Boost actions to establish a bonus or two to double during her first rush.  On the round before she plans to spring her trap she might even do a basic Hinder with a mighty roar (Vitality + Amphibious Ambush Hunter) if it doesn't give away her exact position, which will further improve the damage from I'm Predator, You're Prey.

If she can't lurk in a body of water she'll simply use Riled Up But Good right away, then try to charge an isolated target and start ripping them apart.  She doesn't like being mobbed but unless there are four or more enemies in the scrum she'll usually just stay to fight it out.  She-Gator will only use Riled Up But Good a second time if seriously afraid or cornered.

Regardless of terrain, once she starts fighting she'll use Got A Taste Of You Now whenever she can, swapping between targets to maximize the bonuses it generates.  Attacks will be blocked by her Just Making Me Mad reaction, which gives her even more bonuses to play with.  These usually get rolled into extra damage, but she might save them for her reaction instead if feeling hard-pressed.

Her upgrade makes it easier to harvest bonuses from Got A Taste Of You Now while still concentrating on a key target, as well as upping her durability and damage output.  Her mastery represents the difficulty of predicting the behavior of an animalistic half-amnesiac gator-woman escaped convict.   

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