Saturday, December 2, 2023

General Tiger Devil and the Green Devil Army

A "generic" evil paramilitary group and their fanatical leader for use as needed.  They could be thuggish warlords operating out of a remote fortress stronghold, antigovernment rebels hiding out in the rural countryside, a narco-lord's personal army, a really well-armed urban gang, a covert group of traitors backed by a foreign power plotting a coup, or "just" dupes of a villainous mastermind.  Adjust to fit your campaign as desired.    

The Green Devil Army

The Green Devil Army is intended to be an archetype rather than a specific organization, letting you plug it into your campaign as needed regardless of time period, geographical location or other factors.  As such, the details of the force should be adjusted to suit your campaign's use of them, including weaponry, uniform colors, total numbers, ethnicities of the troops and the languages they use.  There might be enough of them to seriously threaten even a superhero team, or they might be a relatively minor threat that relies on cunning, ruthlessness and possibly supervillain allies to provide a challenge for the PCs.  They do share a few traits regardless of when and where they appear, those being:

  • They are a paramilitary militia force, possibly legal but probably not, and are always opposed to the local government to some degree.  They are not heroic freedom fighters, and civilians in their areas of operation will regularly be terrorized, bullied and robbed by Green Devil troopers.
  • Their armaments are military grade but far from cutting edge, and they rely on foot troops and guerrilla fighting styles rather than being line infantry.  If suitable, they might have some vehicular support, either outdated or captured military vehicles or home-built technicals.
  • Unless on a covert mission, they wear uniforms as a sign of pride, although they're often rather shabby and ragged compared to real military forces.  Body armor is rare or unheard of.
  • The entire unit wears decorative face paint, using shades of green camo to make themselves up in frightening devil faces.  If the climate is suitable, they might use balaclavas with devil faces printed on them instead, which are faster to put on or remove when wanting to conceal themselves.
  • They are quite fanatical about whatever cause fits them, including just plain "we're a bad-ass militia that no one can tell what to do" at the most basic level.  This doesn't really make up for generally poor training and equipment, but they certainly think it does.
  • They are always lead by General Tiger Devil, who acts as a focus for the group and makes most of the decisions for it.  As much a cult leader as a paramilitary commander, this a is a position, not an individual, and different people may hold it over time.  It's even possible for one Tiger Devil to be struck down in the heat of combat only for a nearby trooper to take up the General's signature blade and declare themselves the new leader on the spot.     

General Tiger Devil

Description: He (or she, in some cases) will look much like his men, carrying similar gear and wearing the same style of uniform.  He stands out mostly due to to being prodigiously muscled, wearing more elaborate tiger striped face paint (or a similarly-decorated balaclava) and carrying a much-used but well-maintained officer's sword, the Green Devil Army's symbol of command.  He's also equipped with an array of gadgetry ranging from simple IEDs and demolition charges to black-market super-tech - whatever fits the overall narrative.

Gender: Usually Male     Age: Mid-Thirties     Height: Varies, Usually Tall     Eyes: Varies

Hair: Varies                      Skin: Varies                           Build: Powerfully Muscled

Approach:  Ninja                      Archetype:  Overlord

Health:  35 + (5 x H)

Powers: Presence d10, Tiger Devil Sword d10, Intuition d8, Gadgets d8, Strength d6

Qualities: Imposing d10, Leadership d10, Close Combat d8, Fanatical Militia Commander d8, Ranged Combat d8

Status:  (# of Minions & Lieutenants) 9+ - d12 / 5-8 - d10 / 3-4 - d8 / 1-2 - d6 / 0 - d4


Fierce Glare (R) When Attacked, Defend yourself by rolling your single Imposing die.  Boost yourself using the amount of damage reduced.

General's Commands (A) Boost using Leadership for all your minions until the start of your next turn.

Green Devil Army (A) Use Fanatical Militia Commander to create a number of minions equal to the value of your Max die.  The starting die size of for those minions is the same as the size of your Min die.

Lead From the Front (A) Attack using Tiger Devil Sword.  Use your Max die.  Defend yourself against all Attacks until the start of your next turn using the number of your minions. 

Lost In the Ranks (I) If you take an action during your turn that does not include an Attack or Hinder, also use your Min die to Defend against all Attacks against you until your next turn.

Upgrades & Masteries (optional):

Hardier Minions + 5 Health.  Gain Fervent Speech (A) Upgrade a number of your minions equal to the number of heroes in the scene by increasing their die size by one (max d12).

Master of Conquest (I) As long as you are in command of your own forces, automatically succeed at an Overcome to seize an area or capture civilians.


General Tiger Devil is, at the end of the day, a normal human and not here to fight superheroes directly.  He's here to lead their paramilitary troops, motivating them the way only a true fanatic can.  He'll rely heavily on on General's Commands when there are five or more troopers nearby and Green Devil Army to summon more forces when their numbers dip below that threshold.  When doing this he benefits from Lost In the Ranks, and can get further protection from Fierce Glare when faced with a powerful foe.  If victory seems close or defeat inevitable, the General with gather his troops and launch a glorious personal assault using Lead From the Front.

With an upgrade he can issue a Fervent Speech that improves the performance of even the greenest troopers, while their mastery displays their full military genius.


Green Devil Army Trooper d4 to d12 minion (see Green Devil Army ability above), usually d8

Description: Paramilitary militia soldier in a shabby uniform with a mix of civilian and slightly outdated military weaponry.  Noteworthy mostly for their fancy "devil mask" green face paint and fanatical morale. 

Don't Disappoint the General: When saving against damage, you gain a +1 bonus if General Tiger Devil is nearby.

Run-Down or Homemade Combat Vehicle d8 lieutenant 

Description: Either a home-built "technical" with some improvised armor and weaponry bolted to a civilian vehicle, or a badly-maintained and outdated military vehicle that may still show signs of battle damage from previous actions.  

Junkheap: When saving against damage, if you roll a one you are removed from play regardless of your current die size.

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