Thursday, August 18, 2022

Saitetsu, First & Final Master of the Nameless Style

A superhumanly adept martial artists ala Remo Williams' mentor Chiun or any of a vast number of Hong Kong action movies.


The origins of the legend known as Saitetsu are a mystery lost to time.  He is the creator and sole master of his unnamed martial arts style, and hoards his knowledge to himself after being betrayed by long-dead students who attempted to steal his secrets and claim them as their own.  Most of them died by his own hand but a few escaped, taking some of his lesser teachings with them.  The First & Final Master has stubbornly clung to his apparently endless life for centuries, tracking down and executing anyone who displays his stolen techniques and occasionally demonstrating his style's superiority to the vain and arrogant.  His apparent immortality has also attracted the attention of the foolish who think to extend their own lives, a desire that usually backfires horribly.  

Description: An extremely elderly man of Japanese descent, dressed in a plain dark-blue yukata and sandals.  He seems unassuming and frail at first glance, but moves like lightning when a fight breaks out.  His voice is strong and confident despite his age, and he refuses to speak any language but Japanese or answer questions about himself or his fighting arts.

Gender: Male        Age: Unknown But Ancient       Height: 5'8"      Eyes: Pure Black

Hair: Pale Gray, Tied Back                      Skin: Like Parchment                Build: Wizened

Approach:  Ancient                                Archetype:  Fragile

Health:  25 + (5 x H)

Powers: Steel-Breaking Fist d12, Agility d10, Density Control d10, Leaping d8

Qualities: Close Combat d12, Ranged Combat d12, Acrobatics d10, Master of Martial Arts d8, Medicine d8

Status: Green Zone Health - d10 / Yellow Zone Health - d8 / Red Zone Health - d6


Denying Strike (A) Attack using Close Combat.  Then remove all bonuses from the target.

Punishing Strike (A) Attack one target using Steel-Breaking Fist.  Use your Max die.  Hinder a target dealt damage this way using your Max + Min dice.

Smoke and Steel (R) Take one irreducible damage to reroll the dice pool of someone Attacking or Hindering you.

Ultimate Strike (A) Attack using Steel-Breaking Fist.  Use your Max + Mid dice.  Hinder yourself using your Min die.

Upgrades & Masteries (optional, but commonly in effect):

Perfected Mastery (I) +20 Health.  Increase all Quality dice sizes by one (max d12).  Gain Impossible Grace (A) Attack using Acrobatics.  Use your Max die.  Defend against all Attacks against you using your Min die until the start of your next turn.  Gain Vanishing (I) Whenever your personal zone changes, you may immediately move elsewhere in the scene.

Master of Superiority (I) As long as you are manifesting an effect related to a power you have at d12, automatically succeed at an Overcome involving usage of those powers.


The man known as Saitetsu dislikes fighting his inferiors and seeks to end any battle as swiftly and efficiently as possible.  This usually means alternating between Punishing Strike to weaken a foe and Ultimate Strike for maximum damage, shifting to Denying Strike if a target seems to be accumulating significant bonuses (+3 or more).  He'll use Smoke and Steel carefully, saving it for outlying die rolls where the average will be less harmful to him.  If he has his upgrade he'll use Impossible Grace regularly to reduce incoming damage, and Vanishing to reposition himself to safety when in danger.

His powers represent his supreme mastery of his nameless martial arts style.  They let him alter the consistency of his form from harder than steel to less substantial than drifting smoke, as well as delivering blows that can penetrate the strongest defenses.  A variation of the technique lets him alter the density of any projectiles he uses so they can bypass armor and cover or punch through even bulletproof skin.  He can also pull off wire-fu leaps with the best of them despite his age.

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