Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Stormseer, Mysterious Super-Mage

Name: Stormseer

Origin: Nobody knows.  He's clearly into some occult stuff, and that mystic eye of his seems to mean something to some arcanists but exactly what they aren't saying.  He woke up in a deserted rural house  a few months ago, spent a while wandering around trying to figure out who he was and how he got there, and eventually fell in with a local hero team during a confused brawl with some super-villains who might have been looking for him.  Or not.

We'll probably learn more as time goes by.  In the interim he's fascinated by the supers community, which he doesn't remember at all.  Doesn't really have a civilian ID and uses "John Smith" when he has to pretend to be mundane.

Description: Tall, slender man with a wild tangle of flowing storm-gray hair and beard that's constantly blowing in the winds that swirl around him.  His features are sharply chiseled with a beak-like nose and prominent bushy eyebrows.  One eye is pale gray, the other is obviously artificial, a silvery orb of metal that displays ever-changing arcane runes.  He wears tight pants, a tunic-like shirt, and sturdy boots, all in darker shades of gray and black and wrapped in a flowing blue-gray hooded cloak bordered with patterns of white sigils.  Can use petty magic to adopt a more nondescript appearance if need be, although it makes him stand out like a sore thumb to those with unusual senses or their own arcane talents.

Gender: Male                 Age: Forties?          Height: 6'4"            Eye: Gray

Hair: Wild Gray Mane                Skin: Pale                Build: Lanky

Background: Blank Slate               Power Source: Nature                Archetype: Marksman

Personality: Lone Wolf                   Health (G/Y/R):  28/21/10

Powers: Electricity d10, Awareness d8, Eye of the Unknown d8, Transmutation d8, Weather d8

Qualities: Magical Lore d10, Ranged Combat d10, Alertness d8, Insatiably Curious d8

Status: Green (28-22) - d8 / Yellow (21-11) - d8 / Red (10-1) - d8



Caught In My Gaze (A) Boost using Eye of the Unknown.  Use your Max + Min dice.  This bonus can only be used against one chosen target, and is persistent and exclusive against that target until it leaves the scene.

Principle of Amnesia (A) Overcome in a situation where a completely fresh perspective is useful.  Use your Max die.  You and your allies each gain a Hero Point.  Minor twist: You have a flash of a former life that momentarily distracted you - what was it?  Major twist: A shocking detail of your past life changes the current situation - how does it affect the scene?  RP: Your past is lost or obscured, others have immense difficulty in keeping track of you.

Principle of Knowing the Unknown (A) Overcome to learn hidden information  Use your Max die.  You and your allies gain each gain a Hero Point.  Minor twist: What important clue did you just miss?  Major twist: What major secret was just revealed that you would rather have stayed hidden?  RP: You can always tell when an important piece of information is being left out or obscured, though you might not know exactly what it is.

Twisting Runes (A) Boost using Magical Lore.  Create one bonus using your Max die and another using your Mid die.

Whirling Mists (A) Hinder using Weather.  Use your Max die.  You may split that penalty across multiple nearby targets.


Empowering Bolt (A) Attack one target using Electricity.  Use your Max + Min dice.  Boost yourself and that target with your Mid die.

Enchanted Strike (A) Attack using Magical Lore.  Boost another hero using your Max die.

Sudden Response (R) When a new target enters close range, Attack that target by rolling your single Ranged Combat die.

Triumphant Surge (R) When you defeat a minion, roll that minion's die to Boost yourself.  That bonus must be used on your next action.  


Apocalyptic Bolt (A) Attack using Electricity and at least one bonus.  Use your Max + Mid + Min dice.  Destroy all your bonuses, adding each of them to this Attack first, even if they are exclusive.

Inescapable Gaze (A) Attack using Eye of the Unknown.  Use your Max + Min dice.  Ignore all penalties on this Attack, ignore any Defend actions, and no Reactions can affect it.

Transformative Defense (R) When you are Attacked and dealt damage, you may ignore that damage completely.  If you do, treat the value of that damage as a Hinder action against you instead.


Lingering Runes (A) Boost an ally by rolling your single Magical Lore die.


Stormseer opens actions scenes with versatile boosts generated using Twisting Runes, followed by selecting a key target with Caught In My Gaze, which may be used later with Whirling Mists to impair a foe that proves to be more durable than expected.  Once in the Yellow, Empowering Bolt is the go-to power, pumping out big damage and granting bonuses to himself (and the target, if it survives).  Enchanted Strike offers a way to bypass electricity-resistant targets or to provide an efficient Boost to allies if need be.  Triumphant Surge makes spending time swatting minions a little more worthwhile, and Sudden Response helps dispose of reinforcements from villain upgrades and abilities.  In the Red, a quick Apocalyptic Bolt with stacked bonuses offers enormous damage potential.  Transformative Defense offers a strong defense and Inescapable Gaze is a workaround  for the resulting penalty.  He's still going to be lucky to last two turns before going Out but he can dish out a lot of hurt in that time.  Lingering Runes lets him keep boosting away after dropping.

While extremely hard-hitting Stormseer is rather fragile, with modest health and no defensive ability until in the Red.  He also struggles to deal with multiple targets, is not great at Overcome actions in general (it's hard to generate those big 8+ results) and has no innate healing at all.  The hero is very much a shooter and prefers to keep his distance, if need be using Weather to bear him into the sky for short periods or trying fancy Overcomes to otherwise make a getaway when crowded.

His ability dice pools are pretty versatile but will almost always include either Ranged Combat or Magical Lore.  His Awareness represents a sort of True Sight-style mystical vision, as well as general sensitivity to occult goings-on.  Transmutation can quickly dissolve solid objects into mist, congeal thin air into razor-sharp stones that he hurls with winds generated by Weather, or perform other feats of magical alchemy, albeit more slowly.  Weather generates or controls winds, rain, and fog, and can double as cut-rate Flight or clumsy Telekinesis briefly if he's not using it for other things.  The Eye of the Unknown is his Signature Weapon and improves his other powers by several orders of magnitude - he's much weaker without it.  It also may be why he's amnesiac about his past life, but that remains to be seen.

Outside of action scenes, Stormseer is supernaturally observant and knows quite a lot about magic and the occult.  Physically he's painfully mundane, his grasp of most modern technology and recent history is nearly non-existent, and his social skills are lackluster - although sometimes his insatiable curiosity and obvious awkwardness works as well as Persuasion or Insight might.  He's also surprisingly good at ferreting out secrets and is weirdly talented at basketball and tennis.

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