Wednesday, October 12, 2022

The Terrible Tinkertoy, A Demented Android

You're not going to see this villain's supranym get used in comics or games but some nobody's blog can probably get away with it.

The Terrible Tinkertoy

The self-described Terrible Tinkertoy is an android shell hosting an AI of unknown origin and dubious sanity, at least by human definitions.  It seems to take a demented pleasure in committing crimes and spreading chaos, and while it's not particularly bloodthirsty it shows little concern for human life either.  The entity is remarkably talented at creating all manner of gadgetry and small robotic minions, usually with a decided "toy" theme to them.  Tinkertoy has been known to work with other supervillains, organic and otherwise, but also operates "alone" with just its mechanical lackeys pretty regularly.  Tinkertoy's shell has been captured or destroyed on several occasions, but the AI code that occupies it has yet to be caught and examined.

While Tinkertoy enjoys all manner of random crimes and destructive "pranks" it displays a somewhat consistent pattern of harassing Hasbro assets whenever the opportunity arises.  This enmity appears to stem from an attempt by the corporation's legal department to sue over its choice of supranym, something the android took great offense to as an attempt to erase its chosen identity.  To date no one has been killed as a result of this one-sided feud, but it's been a close shave a few times and the company has taken to hiring super-powered security for major events and key facilities whenever possible.   

Description: Slender, androgynous figure dressed in a checkered red-and-green bodysuit with black knee-high boots and elbow-length gloves.  Its face and short-cropped hair are inhumanly white where they can be seen beneath its voluminous jet-black hooded cloak.  It has a high, clear voice and alternates between a cold, dismissive tone and frenzied, maniacal glee seemingly at random.

Gender: Unclear        Age: Unknown        Height: 5'7"      Eyes: Heterochromatic Red & Green

Hair: Glossy White                   Skin: Parchment White               Build: Pixie-thin

Approach: Disruptive                   Archetype: Inventor

Health:  30 + (5 x H)

Powers: Inventions d10, Robotics d10, Leaping d8, Wall-Crawling d8                                       

Qualities: Science d10, Acrobatics d8, Criminal Underworld Info d8, Manic Toymaker d8

Status: ( # of inventions & mods) 4+ - d12 / 2-3 - d10 / 1 - d8 / 0 - d6


Big Hit (A) Attack using Inventions and at least one bonus.  Use your Max + Mid + Min dice and add all your bonuses, destroying them.

Dangerous Playthings (A) Attack multiple targets using Science.  Use your Min die.  Hinder each target using your Max die.  If one of those targets rolls doubles on their next turn, they take damage equal to the penalty created.  

Gimmicks For Everything (A) Boost using Inventions.  Hinder using your Max die.  Attack using your Min die.

Terrible Tricks (A) Hinder multiple targets using Science.  You and any nearby allies Defend using your Max die.

Upgrades & Masteries (optional):

Mook Squad (I) Gain Whistle Up Some Help (A) Replenish your Robotic Toy minions up to the number of heroes in the scene.

Master of Mad Science (A) As long as you have access to materials, automatically succeed at an Overcome by using scientific principles and inventions.


Tinkertoy relies on a mix of gadgetry and a seemingly endless army of toy-like robotic minions for its abilities, with various gimmicks concealed within its costume.  Its Leaping and Wall-Crawling are innate abilities of its android body, and there may be further small devices concealed within its person for emergencies.  When operating with allies (including their Robotic Toy minions) it usually alternates between Terrible Tricks and Dangerous Playthings using Robotics or Inventions in the dice pools.  If pressed by a single foe they'll use Gimmicks For Everything to gain a bonus for themselves, possibly adding more with their minions and allies, then unload a Big Hit in their next turn as a finisher.

With its upgrade Tinkertoy always has more Robotic Toy minions on call, and their mastery reflects their crazed improvisational inventions.


Tinkertoy is invariably accompanied by at least a few of its signature minions, often concealed within the environment until called upon.  If it needs more muscle it will either build similar but larger (sometimes much larger) lieutenants like Razzle and Dazzle or the Clown Car (see below) or work with allied villains.  

Robotic Toy d8 minion

Description: Small autonomous robots in a variety of forms, usually a foot or two in height but far stronger and tougher than they look.  Most resemble somewhat old-fashioned humanoid toys like nutcrackers, tin soldiers, clown puppets and porcelain dolls, although there are many exceptions modeled with animal shapes or copying more modern designs.  They invariably have concealed weapons ranging from blades, spikes, and powered drills to small firearms and tasers, as well as built-in self destruct mechanisms.

Spiteful Little Things: If you fail a save against damage caused by a close Attacker, deal the result of the failed save as physical damage to your Attacker before you're destroyed.

Razzle and Dazzle d10 lieutenants

Description: A pair of hulking 7' tall androids dressed in stereotypical clown outfits - striped pants with suspenders, loose polka-dotted shirts, comically-oversized shoes and gloves, all in garish primary colors.  They can extrude gun barrels from their mouths or "inflate" their fists into deadly spiked bludgeons.  They usually concentrate on keeping melee combatants away from Tinkertoy.   

Spiteful Big Things: If you fail a save against damage caused by a close Attacker, deal the result of the failed save as Electricity damage to your Attacker.

The Clown Car d10 lieutenant

Description: A miniature copy of  an old Volkswagen beetle about four feet long, painted in a wild patchwork scheme of clashing colors with an infinity symbol on its license plates.  It looks adorable at first, then the concealed buzz saws and gun barrels pop out. 

Full of Clowns: If you fail a save against damage, add a number of Robotic Toy minions to the scene equal to your die roll.  They start out as d6 minions rather than d8 and cannot act until the next round.

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