Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Glutton, Power Hungry Monster That Preys On Supers

This guy's a sort of "wandering monster" concept who can show up unexpectedly to assault both sides in an ongoing fight.  He's a positive menace once he gets a big stack of bonuses in place and starts his adaptive tricks rolling.  Heroes who give him three or four turns to work with are probably in trouble, but he's not too hard to focus down quickly once they're on to him - if they're not too preoccupied by other threats.

Thankfully, he's too irrational to work with others and many villains will be more interested in getting away from him than continuing a fight.


Walter Winston Giles was awaiting trial for over a dozen serial killings with associated cannibalism charges when the jail was struck by a meteorite that impacted less than twenty feet from where Giles stood in the exercise yard.  He was struck by several shards of debris and carted off to the infirmary while the guards evacuated the area.  They called for outside help the moment they realized the small crater and fragments of the meteorite were glowing with an intense violet light.  Before assistance could arrive Giles reappeared, his injuries healed and surrounded by an aura of the same purple glow.  Shrugging off gunfire and casually killing two guards who attempted to physically restrain him, the newly-empowered murderer proceeded to greedily consume the rest of the meteoric debris before flying off at blinding speed.

Since then he's appeared on several occasions, usually drawn to flashy super-fights where he attacks both sides indiscriminately in an attempt to drain as much power as possible.  He's also shown up following meteor showers, apparently looking for more samples of the unidentified substance that first empowered him.  To date he's easily avoided recapture, although it's unclear what occupies his time between sightings.  Whatever sanity he had as Giles has vanished in his new persona, and telepaths have reported his mentation is no longer human, consisting of nothing but an overwhelming sense of hunger.  Authorities have dubbed this new menace Glutton, which is a bit too on the nose considering his past.

It's worth noting that the meteor that empowered Glutton was made of a substance that's very valuable on the galactic black market, and any further falls might attract the attention of space pirates like the crew of the Ardent Pursuit of Fortune.   

Description: A corpulent man in a tattered yellow prison jumpsuit soiled with dried bloodstains and surrounded by an intense aura of violet light.  His voice is deep and guttural, but his words are nothing but meaningless babble and animalistic noises.  When using his absorption power it  manifests as a sickly dark purple light that lashes out from him to coil around his victims.

Gender: Male          Age: 30          Height: 6'2"          Eyes: Glowing Magenta

Hair: Black              Skin: Pasty White           Build: Obese

Approach:  Adaptive                 Archetype:  Loner

Health:  25 + (5 x H)

Powers: Absorption d10, Flight d8, Momentum d8, Strength d6

Qualities: Close Combat d10, Acrobatics d8, Ranged Combat d8, Power-Hungry Monster d8

Status: (# of Other Allied Villains) 0 - d10 / 1-2 - d8 / 3+ - d6


Crushing Might (A) Attack using Strength.  Use your Max die.  Recover Health equal to your Mid + Min dice.

Defensive Siphon (R) When Attacked, Defend yourself by rolling your single Absorption die.  Boost yourself using the same die roll.

Mass Siphon (A) Attack multiple targets using Absorption.  Hinder each target using your Max die.

Power Conversion (A) Lower two of your powers by one die size each.  Increase one of your other powers to d12, then take a basic action using that power.

Sample Power (I) On your turn, whenever you Attack a target you haven't dealt damage to yet this scene, Boost yourself using your Max die.

Upgrades & Masteries (optional):

Group Fighter (I) +20 Health.  When you take an action that lets you make an Attack, also make an Attack using your Mid die.

Master of Annihilation (I) If you can cause massive collateral damage without regard for casualties, automatically succeed at an Overcome in a situation where a show of overwhelming force would help.


Glutton will open with Power Conversion if he has time, lowering Flight and Momentum to d6 and increasing Absorption to d12 before taking whatever basic action seems best (often Defend).  If not, he goes straight to using Mass Siphon against every target he possibly can, including neutral targets and other villainous targets, racking up multiple bonuses at once with Sample Power and applying severe penalties.  He follows this with Power Conversion again, dropping Flight and Momentum to d4 and increasing his Strength to d12 as he swells with stolen power and performs another basic action (probably Attack).  He'll be using Defensive Siphon against any Attacks during all this for further bonuses.  Glutton then spends the rest of the scene selectively using bonuses to augment Crushing Might so it hits harder or heals better.  If very hard-pressed he may throw all his remaining bonuses into the damage of another Mass Siphon to defeat as many foes as he can.  If he needs to make a getaway he'll use Power Conversion to trade Strength and Absorption for Flight and attempt to flee with an Overcome.

His upgrade amps up his damage with all Attack abilities, and his mastery reflects him using maxed-out Mass Siphon moves to inflict mass casualties on bystanders.

Note that Sample Power is worded to give bonuses for every target he hits for the first time, but I wouldn't let that work on minions at all since they lack enough "juice" to benefit Glutton that much.  Lieutenants are fine if they're being used to represent low-grade supers, combat robots, soldiers in power armor and that sort of thing, but if they're just non-powered tough guys or VIPs with some plot armor probably not so much.  Heroes and full-blown villains are always fair game.

Glutton (despite his supranym) is no longer prone to cannibalism, so there's that small mercy.  He's interested in siphoning life force from supers and energy from advanced tech, as well as eating any glowing space rocks he can find.  In game terms, getting defeated by him will leave you severely enervated and badly beaten up, but most supers recover pretty quickly after he leaves the area.  A losing encounter with him is a fine excuse for a character re-write that alters your powers though.  Capturing him is tricky since he'll try to start siphoning from nearby heroes and super-tech sources when he regains consciousness, and even in his weakened state post-defeat mundane measures have trouble containing him in the long term.  Outright killing him is an option - but if he's bad now, what would he be like as a radioactive zombie version of himself?

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