Monday, January 9, 2023

Orb-Master, Flashy Mutant With Quirky Telekinetic Powers

With great power comes a total lack of responsibility, or something like that.  This guy's just kind of shallow in terms of motivation, but he makes up for it with enthusiasm and an annoying power set that makes him a good partner or team player with other villains.


Jaime Cardonas is a mutant with a flashy power set, something he's happy to show off in a fight.  His powers manifested in his teens, and he quickly decided that the best answer to anti-mutant prejudice was using his abilities to teach people not to mess with him - by force.  It wasn't a long step toward becoming a criminal, and after his first fight with a powered hero it was an even shorter step to full-blown supervillainy.  As Orb-Master Jaime revels in testing his powers against other supers and truly enjoys the chaos of battle.  He doesn't have real long-term goals beyond living a comfortable life and most of his appearances are either grandiose heists or work-for-hire team jobs initiated by more motivated villains.  He prefers to work with a partner or group, mostly out of sheer laziness - let someone else do the heavy thinking.

Orb-Master's entire schtick is creating orbs of psionic energy which he uses to hinder or harm foes, protect himself and allies, transport people and objects through the air or underwater, manipulate objects, and even extend his senses to spy on distant locations.  He can vary the size, color and consistency of his orbs and manifest them to encompass targets within his sight - including ones being watched through a distant orb.  He seems to have an upper limit of about a mile and a half in range when concentrating on maintaining just a few orbs, but that drops off to a hundred feet or so when he's manifesting swarms of them.  The maximum size of his orbs varies with number as well, but he can easily englobe dozens of human-sized individuals at once and has been observed enclosing an entire three-story brownstone when focusing more narrowly.  His orbs also filter breathable air out of the environment wherever possible, so there's no danger of suffocation in one unless you're caught in a vacuum or entirely toxic atmosphere.

Description: He'd be an unremarkable figure if it weren't for the snug white bodysuit, black boots and gloves, and bright red cape and cowl.  Well, that and the fact that he's standing in mid-air, surrounded by a swirling constellation of many-colored spheres of energy.  His voice is boomingly loud and he's quick to correct anyone who calls his orbs "bubbles" or "balls" even in the middle of a fight. 

Gender: Male               Age: 22                 Height: 5'10"                Eyes: Hazel

Hair: Sandy Brown                 Skin: Lightly Tanned                    Build: Average

Approach:  Disruptive                      Archetype:  Squad

Health:  25 + (5 x H)

Powers: Flight d10, Telekinesis d10, Remote Viewing d8, Swimming d8                                     

Qualities: Self-Discipline d10, Braggadocious Mutant Criminal d8, Close Combat d8, Ranged Combat d8

Status: (# of other Villains) 3+ - d10 / 1-2 - d8 / 0 - d6


Obnoxious Orbs (A) Attack multiple targets using Self-Discipline.  Use your Min die.  Hinder each target using your Max die.  If one of those targets rolls doubles on their next turn, they take damage equal to the penalty inflicted.

Obscuring Orbs (A) Hinder multiple targets using Self-Discipline.  You and any nearby allies Defend using your Max die.

Obstructive Orb (R) When another villain is Attacked, Defend them by rolling your single status die. Boost yourself using the amount of damage reduced.

Obtrusive Orb (A) Attack using Close Combat.  Use your Max die.  If you choose that target to go next, they must Attack you on their next turn if possible.

Upgrades & Masteries (optional):

Defense Shield (I) You cannot be damaged by anything except yourself until the defense shield is destroyed.  The shield has 40 Health, or can be deactivated with three Overcome successes.  If a hero takes a minor twist working on the shield, you can use a Reaction to Attack that hero by rolling your single Telekinesis die.  Gain Reestablish Shield (A) Overcome using Telekinesis.  Use your Max die.  On a success remove one success from the deactivation challenge.  Alternatively, instead of an Overcome, use your Max die to Recover that much of the shield's Health.  This ability cannot be used if the shield has been completely removed.

Master of Total Chaos (I) Automatically succeed at an Overcome when you throw out all the rules during a situation that is spiraling out of control.


Orb-Master is all about using his versatile power set in a fight, and has a weakness for shouting his attack names like an anime character.  He uses Obscuring Orbs when he's fighting defensively and sticking near allies and Obstructive Orb as a reaction when a more distant villain ally is attacked.  Obnoxious Orbs is his go-to offensive move against multiple foes, although it's still fairly low damage unless a victim rolls doubles on their turn and plows into the jagged shards of the bursting orbs hindering them.  Obtrusive Orb represents him rushing up to a foe and enclosing them in an orb at arm's length, limiting their options severely until they free themselves.  If he wants to to more than Min die damage at a distance he'll resort to a basic Attack action using Ranged Combat and Telekinesis to envelop large objects or piles of debris in an orb and hurl it at a foe, which is about all he uses his Ranged Combat quality for.  

His upgrade intensifies his normal defenses and makes Obtrusive Orb much more of a go-to power for him.  His mastery is used with the versatility of his powers and invariably involves lots and lots of glowing, rushing orbs filling the scene.

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