Monday, January 16, 2023

The Renaissance Man, Turning His Imagination Into Reality

What if Leonardo da Vinci 'had been able to conjure his remarkable inventions and artistic visions directly into being?  Probably best if he wasn't also a megalomaniac supervillain bent on remaking the world so it suited him better. 

The Renaissance Man

Vittorio Volta is a true polymath, an artistic and scientific genius who speaks a dozen languages and a master of every field he's turned his prodigious intellect to.  One of those fields was the study of psionic superpowers.  Pursuing that research led him to experiment on himself, which was a fantastic success as his projects usually are.  Now granted the ability to conjure the products of his imagination directly into being, Vittorio has become obsessed with increasing his powers to the point where he can rewrite reality into something better.  Something worthy of his visions, the visions of...a Renaissance Man.

Vittorio is a stereotypical mad genius supervillain bent on empowering himself even further and recreating the world to suit his desires.  His powers turn his boundless creativity directly into reality, granting him an endless supply of tools, servants and weapons to deal with any who might oppose him.  So far his creations are short-lived and fade away outside of his vicinity, but he's improving them steadily over time.  The more mechanically-oriented ones can also serve as practical prototypes which can be duplicated via more conventional means, something he sometimes uses to equip his allies and lackeys.

Description: Handsome middle-aged man with a neatly trimmed ducktail beard, wearing a short dark red hooded jacket over a sleek dark green bodysuit that shows off his athletic physique.  When using his powers he'll be conjuring up a wild variety of glowing amber energy constructs, some as independent objects or entities, while others form temporary gear, weapons or armor for him.  He has a deep voice with a very slight Italian accent and sprinkles his English with words and phrases from various Western European languages. 

Gender: Male               Age: 44                Height: 5'11"                Eyes: Hazel

Hair: Dignified Gray                   Skin: Swarthy                     Build: Lean, Muscular

Approach: Prideful                   Archetype: Inventor

Health:  35 + (5 x H)

Powers: Cosmic d10, Inventions d10, Lightning Calculator d10, Deduction d8

Qualities: Creativity d10, Science d10, Genius Polymath d8, History d8, Technology d8

Status: ( # of inventions & mods) 4+ - d12 / 2-3 - d10 / 1 - d8 / 0 - d6


All-Encompassing Defense (R) Discard one of your bonuses and use its value to Defend against all Attacks against you until the start of your next turn.

Calculated Vulnerability (A) Hinder using Lightning Calculator.  Use your Max die.  That penalty is persistent and exclusive. 

Deadly Creation (A) Attack one target using Creativity.  Use your Max + Min dice.  If that Attack causes the target to change personal GYRO zones, Boost using your Mid die and make that bonus persistent and exclusive.

Inspired Idea (A) Boost using Inventions.  Use your Max die.  Boost again using your Mid die.  Either make one of those bonuses persistent and exclusive, or Attack using your Min die.

Upgrades & Masteries (optional):

Power Upgrade (I) +20 Health.  Increase the die size of each of your powers by one step (maximum of d12). 

Master of Mad Science (A) As long as you have access to materials, automatically succeed at an Overcome by using scientific principles and inventions.


The Renaissance Man relies on cosmic-energy constructs that he imagines into being on the fly.  These take the form of incredible technological mechanisms, fantastic artistic visions or a melding of art and science.  Deadly Creation gives him a strong Attack that takes the form of imagined weaponry, savage beasts, or elaborately equipped warriors.  Calculated Vulnerability dreams up restraints tailored to their target's weaknesses.  Inspired Idea gives Vittorio an augmented pool of cosmic power to fuel his other abilities, including his potent All-Encompassing Defense reaction.  Remember that he needs to use either Science or Inventions in an ability for its mods to count for status die purposes, so be careful building die pools if he's not already at d12.

His upgrade makes him even more powerful and greatly improves his die pools, while his mastery represents his ability to dream up whatever impossible gadgetry he might require on short notice.

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