Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Tortoise and the Hare, A Villainous Odd Couple

A duo of villains with very different styles and powers.  Both of them are pretty much low-grade mercenaries and opportunistic heisters with a taste for money.  If they got more motivated they could come up with more elaborate schemes combining both magical and technological approaches, but what are the odds of that? 


Doctor Diane Martine is a genius, and quick to tell you so.  She's also a borderline sociopath, believing herself rightfully above the law due to her superior intellect.  She happily accepted a position with a company doing illicit research into super-technology shortly after getting her second doctorate, and was equally happy to betray them a few years later.  Making off with a newly completed experimental battle suit she set herself up as the mercenary supervillain Tortoise, taking care to conceal her true identity from both employers and enemies.  While she had some successes and avoided capture during her failures she soon came to the conclusion that she'd be more effective if she had better allies than the hired thugs and self-built automata she'd been relying on for backup.  

Tortoise ran into the Hare during a heist shortly afterward.  She maintains it was mere coincidence while her new partner still insists it was his luck at work.  Regardless, the two them a good team, covering for each other's weak spots.  The Hare knows a lot about the arcane side of things and has the speed and agility to supplement her own sturdy defenses.  Tortoise brings her scientific know-how, criminal connections, and most importantly her superior intellect.  She knows who the senior partner in this duo is even if the Hare doesn't.

Her battlesuit is slow and a little clumsy, but has nearly impenetrable armor, built-in weaponry, enhanced servo-mechanisms, environmental protections and the ability to absorb a wide variety of energy, including meddling with the flow of time itself by siphoning chronon particles from the environment, slowing enemies down to her speeds.  

Description: Outside of her battle suit, an small, conservatively dressed woman with thick glasses and a distracted air about her.  When dressed for action, a dark green suit of extremely bulky powered armor with heavy segmented limbs and a thick shell and plastron made of hexagonal plates.  The suit's helmet is bullet shaped and featureless beyond an ominous dark red visor.  News reporters have stopped calling her Mini-Mecha-Gamera since she leveled the Daily Trumpet's printing plant. 

Gender: Female            Age: 32            Height: 5'0" (6'1" in suit)          Eyes: Brown

Hair: Light Brown                   Skin: Pale Caucasian                   Build: Slight

Approach:  Focused                          Archetype:  Indomitable

Health:  35 + (5 x H)

Powers: Absorption d12, Power Suit d8

Qualities: Technology d10, Criminal Underworld Info d8, Pompous Know-It-All d8

Status: Always d8


Chronon Drain (A) Hinder one target using Absorption.  Use your Max die.  Attack that target using your Mid die.

Power Converters (R) When Attacked with Electricity, ignore the damage and instead Recover the amount of damage you would have taken.  When Hindered with Electricity, change the penalty into a bonus instead.

Radiation Shielded (I) Ignore all damage from Nuclear.

Slow But Steady (A) Attack using Power Suit.  Use your Max die.  Recover Health equal to your Min die.

Tortoise Armor (I) Reduce all damage dealt to you by two.

Upgrades & Masteries (optional):

Defense Shield (I) You cannot be damaged by anything except yourself until the defense shield is destroyed.  The shield has 40 Health, or can be deactivated with three Overcome successes.  If a hero takes a minor twist working on the shield, you can use a Reaction to Attack that hero by rolling your single Absorption die.  Gain Reestablish Shield (A) Overcome using Absorption.  Use your Max die.  On a success remove one success from the deactivation challenge.  Alternatively, instead of an Overcome, use your Max die to Recover that much of the shield's Health.  This ability cannot be used if the shield has been completely removed.

Master of Mad Science (A) As long as you have access to materials, automatically succeed at an Overcome by using scientific principles and inventions.


Tortoise is an endurance fighter, aiming to outlast opponents in a fight.  Her Tortoise Armor makes her harder to damage, and Radiation Shielded makes her immune to Nuclear damage.  Power Converters lets her invert damage or penalties caused by Electricity, and she'll happily use Overcomes to access nearby electrical power sources to trigger the ability if the heroes aren't chucking lightning bolts at her.  Offensively, she either targets her most threatening foe with Chronon Drain to harm and debuff them, or Slow But Steady to pummel enemies with her suit's integral blasters and augmented servos while regaining some Health.

Her upgrade leans into her defensive style, and she'll use Reestablish Shield to try to keep her extra defenses up longer.  Her mastery reflects her being a competent super-scientist, although she tends to be rather slow and methodical about her research approach. 


The Hare

The Hare (real name unknown) claims to have been cursed with his human body following a defeat in a magical duel, although it's not clear how serious he is about it.  In fact, it's hard to be sure when he's being serious about anything.  If he was actually a magical rabbit at some point, he's retained his inhuman speed, reflexes and leaping ability, as well as several "tricks" including the ability to fool the senses and jump between locations without crossing the space in between.  The Hare is also adamant that he has "rabbit luck powers" even with his feet in their current state, explaining any unlucky breaks as the result of his curse.  His motivations remains unclear, although he certainly likes the high life and the money it takes to pay for it.

That greed for money is what led him to meet Tortoise, who was robbing the same payroll office he was.  While they were discussing how to resolve the contretemps a local hero interrupted them, and the following two-on-one beatdown showed both villains that they made a good team, covering for one another's weaknesses.  They've mostly worked together ever since, although Tortoise tends to take herself much too seriously and the Hare wouldn't be wholly averse to ditching her in a pinch.  One of the reasons she makes a good partner is the old villain adage about not needing to run faster than the cops, just the other crooks you're working with.  What she doesn't know until too late won't hurt him.

Description: Slim, well-muscled dark-skinned man with a literal rabbit's head on his shoulders, complete with long floppy ears.  He dresses in a form-fitting sleeveless gray body stocking with white sneaker-like footwear, utility belt and gloves.  His left arm has a tattoo that reads "Bugs" in a heart outline, and his right arm has been inked with a pair of crossed carrots.  His voice is (despite his animal-like mouth) deep and projects well, with a thick Brooklyn accent.

Gender: Male            Age: 26            Height: 5'8"           Ears: 13"          Eyes: Light Brown

Fur: Mottled Gray-Brown               Skin: Dark Brown               Build: Wiry But Powerful

Approach: Ninja                     Archetype: Fragile

Health:  15 + (5 x H)

Powers: Agility d10, Illusions d10, Leaping d8, Speed d8, Teleportation d6

Qualities: Acrobatics d10, Magical Lore d10, Cocky Smartass d8, Persuasion d8, Stealth d8

Status: Green Zone Health - d10 / Yellow Zone Health - d8 / Red Zone Health - d6


Bounding Attacks (A) Attack multiple nearby targets using Acrobatics.  Then end up wherever you want in the scene.

Bunny Hop (I) Whenever your personal zone changes, you may immediately move elsewhere in the scene.

Magic Trick (A) Attack using Magical Lore.  Then remove all bonuses from the target.

Nimble Evasion (R) When Attacked, Defend yourself by rolling your single Acrobatics die.  Boost yourself using the amount of damage reduced.

Upgrades & Masteries (optional):

Calming Aura (I) +10 Health.  The heroes act as being in the Green zone for status die, ability access, and all abilities.  Heroes may remove this ability with three Overcome successes.  If a hero takes a minor twist while attempting these Overcomes, you may use a reaction to Hinder them by rolling your single Illusions die.

Master of Mysticism (I) If you have access to proper materials, automatically succeed at an Overcome in a situation involving harnessing magical forces.


The Hare is a mouthy guy in a fight, bantering with his foes and his partner Tortoise while staying mobile and making hit-and-run attacks.  Bounding Attacks is his preferred offensive move against multiple foes, and lets him avoid getting pinned down in an unfavorable fight.  Nimble Evasion is a strong defensive reaction, and Bunny Hop gives him more evasion if he does take a solid hit.  He reserves Magic Trick for heroes with strong bonuses on them, especially ones who stay at range.

His upgrade is a magical effect, a combination of illusions and spellbinding hexes.  The Hare's mastery reflects his talent for ritual sorcery.


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