A very simple villain today, inspired by an old Dreamblade miniature I've repainted for people several times over the years. He's a very Nineties character design, as you can see below.
Bigg Gunn
Bigg Gunn is the product of a criminal augmentation lab using data stolen from an abandoned government super-soldier program. "Product" is literal in this case, as Gunn-series cyborgs have become a popular acquisition in certain circles. Using a baseline human as a starting point, the upgrade process combines retroviral bioengineering, hyper-steroids and metallic bone lacing to produce a frame capable of supporting cybernetic heavy weaponry and ammunition nanofactories. It also installs extensive behavioral controls that leave the finished creation utterly loyal to its eventual owner but with enough free will to be truly autonomous in combat.
Expensive enough that they're rarely encountered in groups, even a single Bigg Gunn can still provide a great deal of firepower for a warlord, gang boss, or less physically-powerful super-villain. They do retain part of their original personalities but their brainwashing and safety protocols largely override any personal motivations or pre-existing ethical qualms. They're mostly content to follow orders while waiting for an opportunity to use their big weapons, and they require far less micro-management than robots, drones, animated statues or undead do. When "off duty" Gunns usually use their integral cyberware to connect to the internet, spending their time streaming entertainment and playing games through their neural links and displaying the feeds directly to their cyberoptics.
Description: See picture. Note that he's a big lad, standing over eight feet in height. Where he shops for jeans and boots I can't even guess.
Gender: Male Age: Late Twenties Height: 8'2" Eyes: Dark Blue
Hair: Bald, Full Blonde Beard Skin: Caucasian, Metallic Implants Build: Distorted
Approach: Disruptive Archetype: Loner
Health: 30 + (5 x H)
Powers: Arm Guns d10, Vitality d10, Awareness d8, Strength d8
Qualities: Ranged Combat d10, Alertness d8, Bioengineered Cyborg Killing Machine d8, Fitness d8
Status: (# of Other Allied Villains) 0 - d10 / 1-2 - d8 / 3+ - d6
Concentrated Fire (A) Attack using Arm Guns. Use your Max die. Recover Health equal to your Mid + Min dice.
Flying Lead (R) When Attacked by a hero with a penalty, that hero takes damage equal to the size of that penalty.
Full-Auto Fighting Style (A) Attack multiple targets using Arm Guns. Hinder each target using your Max die.
Suppressive Fire (A) Hinder multiple targets using Ranged Combat. You and any nearby allies Defend using your Max die.
Upgrades & Masteries (optional):
Group Fighter (I) +20 Health. When you take an action that lets you make an Attack, also make an Attack using your Mid die.
Master of Annihilation (I) If you can cause massive collateral damage without regard for casualties, automatically succeed at an Overcome in a situation where a show of overwhelming force would help.
The average Bigg Gunn doesn't have much going on tactically. He'll repeatedly use Full-Auto Fighting Style to hose down every opponent he can see while inflicting a little more damage if Attacked by by using Flying Lead on the first hero who tries to fight back through the firestorm. If faced with a single foe or badly injured he'll switch to Concentrated Fire for a while instead. Suppressive Fire is quite strong for defending himself and his allies, but he usually has to be prompted to use it instead of shooting to kill.
His upgrade lets him concentrate a bit more damage on whoever's bothering him most, and he particularly enjoys using the bonus Attack to club a foe who's crowding him in melee while blazing away with his other arm. Gunns are an exceptionally ruthless sort, and his mastery reflects that.
Note that despite being a Loner mechanically, he's actually quite happy to work with other villains when ordered to. His poor status die when working with others reflects how much having allies he's not free to shoot cramps his fighting style rather than any personal reluctance. Minions and lieutenants don't hamper him in the same way. If they get caught in one of his long, uncontrolled bursts that's their problem.
Design Notes:
Bigg Gunn's Flying Lead reaction is taken from the Disruptive Approach where it's known as Painful Disruption, which I discussed over on this post here. I've left it as-is per the core rulebook, but the ability really is quite bad as written. If you want a slightly more effective Gunn I'd suggest using my fix from the other post, which changes the ability text to the following:
Flying Lead (I) When you are Attacked by a hero with one or more penalties, that hero takes damage equal to total value of all their penalties.
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