Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Plurality, A Psychic Who Wants Everyone To Be Just Like Him

A port of a villain from an old 1980s campaign.  Still a monster in human form after all these years. 


Jin Marino is a psychic mutant with an unusual ability to divide and project their consciousness.  He can do this by forming a mass of psychoplasm and mentally shaping it into short-lived duplicate of himself with a shared mentality.  More insidiously, he can concentrate on another person and impress his psyche on them, overwriting their will and in extreme cases causing a psychosomatic physical transformation as well.  Unfortunately, Jin is also a violent narcissistic sociopath who takes great pleasure in forcibly crushing the minds and stealing the bodies of those around them.  The lucky ones die of shock and stress during the process.  The unlucky ones survive with shattered minds and lifelong trauma.  

Operating under the supranym Plurality, he's well-known in supercrime circles as an up-and-coming mastermind villain in the most literal sense of the word.  He can be pretty compelling when he wants to be, and his henchmen and occasional allies have learned to provide him with a steady supply of other victims to avoid him toying with them instead.  His overarching goal is to gain more and more personal power - he dreams of his consciousness overwriting the whole of humanity - but he frequently gets distracted by his vices and momentary whims.    

Description: A trim, athletic man of Korean descent, dressed in a pale gray body stocking with yellow banding around the neck, sleeves, waist and calves.  His boots and tight-fitting gloves are a darker yellow and he wears a snug headband of pale metal ornamented with a dark blue square-cut stone on his brow.  His voice is harsh and demanding, with a West Coast US accent.  He speaks English, Korean, and Italian fluently. 

Gender: Male        Age: Late Twenties        Height: 5'10"        Eyes: Brown

Hair: Black, Short Buzzcut          Skin: Olive               Build: Lean

Approach:  Dampening                                Archetype:  Legion

Health:  20 + (5 x H)

Powers: Presence d10, Duplication d8, Telepathy d8                                   

Qualities: Imposing d10, Conviction d8, Criminal Underworld Info d8, Violent Narcissistic Sociopath d8 

Status: (# of Legion Minions) 0 - d12 / 1-2 - d10 / 3-4 - d8 / 5-8 - d6 / 9+ - d4


Compelled Hesitation (R) When Attacked by a hero with a penalty, ignore their damage and remove a penalty on that hero.

Divided Attention (I) Whenever multiple Legion minions all take the same action against the same target, you must roll all their dice at once and use the lowest rolling die amongst them for each minion's result on that action.

Ectoplasmic Absorption (R) When one of your minions is destroyed, roll its die and Recover that much Health.

Ectoplasmic Division (A) Add two minions with size one lower than your current status die.

Forced Transformation (A) Attack using Imposing.  Use your Max die.  Use your Min die to Hinder each opponent that can see or hear the target of your Attack.

Upgrades & Masteries (optional):

Brainwashing Zone (I) +10 Health.  While the scene is in the green zone, all heroes' qualities of d8 or higher are reduced by one die size.  In the Yellow zone all of the heroes' qualities of d10 or higher are reduced by one additional step (two die sizes total).  In the Red zone, all heroes' quality dice are treated as d4.  Heroes can remove this upgrade with three overcome successes.  If a hero takes a minor twist while taking these Overcomes, they lose access to a quality entirely until this upgrade is removed.  If a hero is knocked out while this ability is active, create a new friendly minion with a die size equal to the hero's largest power die to represent the brainwashed hero.

Master of Enforced Order (I) If you have complete control over your surroundings, automatically succeed in an Overcome to organize rabble to accomplish a task.


Plurality has a fairly fixed approach to combat.  He'll invariably open by using Ectoplasmic Division to create a pair of strong minions, repeating the action whenever their number dips below two.  If there's a strong need for it he might repeat the action immediately, but never maintains more than four active minions at once.  Otherwise he picks a target and repeatedly uses Forced Transformation on them to attempt to disable them rapidly while debuffing everyone in sight or hearing range of the victim.  He'll try to chose wisely between his two reactions, healing as his minions are defeated with Ectoplasmic Absorption and cancelling out Attacks with Compelled Hesitation.  His minions will split their actions up, usually with one Attacking his primary target, another Defending Plurality himself, and any others applying Hinders to any hero who doesn't currently have a penalty.

His upgrade makes it much harder to deal with him and his minions, and can grant him free minions if he defeats a hero while it's still active.  His mastery reflects increased skill and determination when it comes to coordinating his divided consciousness.

Plurality is a port of a very old Villains & Vigilante's villain from a campaign back in the 1980s.  His mutant ability isn't quite a perfect fit for any single SCRPG power, but the combination of Presence, Duplication and Telepathy is pretty close.  His Telepathy is mostly projective rather than receptive, so very "loud" but "hard of hearing" in psychic terms, hard to screen out while having little ability detect minds or dig into anything  beyond surface thoughts.  Presence ties into his personality override abilities, as well as being used for most social interactions - often bundled with Imposing or Violent Narcissistic Sociopath, which says a lot about how awful he is.  His Forced Transformation ability spreads parasitic fragments of his psyche to everyone who can perceive his victim partially transforming into another Plurality and making threats in his voice before reverting back to normal.  With his brainwashing field upgrade active that transformation can become a lasting one if the victim is defeated, turning a hero into a minion.

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