Thursday, January 5, 2023

Caesar Meccanico, Android Autocrat of the New Rome Movement

This villain is a deliberate twist on the common "legacy villain from World War 2" trope that you see in characters like the Red Skull and Captain Nazi.  This one's not the usual former Nazi though, having ties to the other European Axis power for a change.  Because of course a fed-up Adolph Hitler would authorize a project to replace that bumbling idiot Mussolini with a robot duplicate of Julius Caesar.  Probably a good thing it didn't get finished in time.

Angelo Nero, Caesar Meccanico

Angelo Nero is the leader of a fringe socio-political organization called the New Rome Movement which espouses the greatness of ancient Rome, its importance to modern civilization, and how adopting Roman virtues will improve both personal and public life.  Somewhat ironically, the bulk of its followers are found in North and South America, particularly the United States, Brazil, and Argentina, while most Europeans look at the group warily at best.  The membership is growing slowly but steadily, although that may change once your heroes cross paths with them.

Because Nero has secret.  He's not a human, or even an organic lifeform.  Angelo is actually a sophisticated android, the product of a joint project by the Axis powers during WW2 intended to prop up the faltering Italian enthusiasm for the war and to replace Mussolini with a more effective and controllable ally, although he never knew that.  Fortunately for the world, Project Caesar Meccanico was still uncompleted at the end of the war, and when it avoided the notice of Operation Paperclip operatives the unfinished android sat in storage in a secret lab in Brazil for decades.  

Several years ago a modern day criminal mastermind [pick a tech-genius villain of your choice - Doctor Robotico would be a good choice] found and completed the work, incorporating super-tech far beyond the original design and setting up "Angelo Nero" and the beginnings of the New Rome Movement.  What the villain has planned is unclear, but "Angelo" is most likely following his directions and is rapidly building a base of loyal dupes that are nearly hypnotized by his commanding presence and overwhelming (albeit artificial) personality.

Description: A virtual twin of historical depictions of Julius Caesar, albeit garbed in a stylish modern suit in dark tones.  He carries a walking stick that resembles a Roman centurion's staff externally but conceals a potent short-ranged blaster and various communications devices.  A potent aura of command surrounds him, supplemented by his deep voice and piercing eyes.   

Gender: Male                 Age: Appears 35-ish               Height: 6'1"                Eyes: Black

Hair: Dark Brown                   Skin: Mediterranean Tan              Build: Leanly Muscular

Approach:  Bully                      Archetype:  Overlord

Health:  40 + (5 x H)

Powers: Presence d10, Android Body d8, Lightning Calculator d8                                    

Qualities: Close Combat d8, Face of New Rome d8, Technology d8                                        

Status:  (# of Minions & Lieutenants) 9+ - d12 / 5-8 - d10 / 3-4 - d8 / 1-2 - d6 / 0 - d4


Artificial Invulnerability (I) Reduce all damage dealt to you by two.

Fanatical Devotion (R) Redirect an Attack to one of your minions.

Loyal Legions (A) Use Face of New Rome to create a number of minions equal to the value of your Max die.  The starting die size of for those minions is the same as the size of your Min die.

Punishing Beating (A) Attack using Android Body.  Use your Max die.  Hinder the target using your Max + Min dice (if the target's status die is less than d8) or your Max die (if the target's status die is d8) or your Mid die (if the target's status die is greater than d8).

Stand Proud, Neo-Romans (R) Reroll of of your minion's saves against a single Attack.

Upgrades & Masteries (optional):

Power Upgrade (I) +20 Health.  Increase the die size of each of your powers by one step (maximum of d12).

Master of Enforced Order (I) If you have complete control over your surroundings, automatically succeed in an Overcome to organize rabble to accomplish a task.


Caesar Meccanico prefers to be surrounded by minions, and will generate more on a regular basis with Loyal Legions in order to keep his status die up. His Fanatical Devotion reaction is also dependent on having minions to sacrifice, and it's worth noting that he can use it to protect allies as well as himself if he's not being hard-pressed personally.  Artificial Invulnerability makes him quite hardy, and when he has an adequate supply of minions on hand he'll happily single out a troublesome enemy for a Punishing Beating.

His upgrade makes him much more durable and augments his dice pools considerably, while his mastery lets him control his legions of deluded followers more efficiently.

His minions can vary wildly in die size thanks to his enormous spread of possible status dice, so I've provided samples of each below.  He's highly unlikely to see the really large d12 variety (since it won't come up as the Min die very often) and when there are enough minions already in play the really small d4 and d6 types can't appear (as those dice can only wind up in his pool when he's got two or fewer minions in play) so expect to see mostly d8 and d10 types.  Mods can alter the number of minions that he whistles up but not what size they are.  If he's somehow caught with no possible access to New Rome followers he can't teleport them in from nowhere, but he's hard to isolate that way and his diverse following has agents in the most unlikely places. 


The New Rome Movement

Description: Most look like civilians and either rely on fisticuffs or improvised weapons in a fight, with a few carrying easily concealed weapons like pistols, knives and brass knuckles.  The more dangerous members wear paramilitary uniforms and openly carry military-grade weaponry.  Most proudly wear a badge displaying the stylized eagle-and-laurels symbol of the organization.  They tend to laud the virtues of "New Roman civilization" even during a fight, and generally behave like fanatical and slightly unstable extremists.

Worthless Bootlicker d4 minion 

Shameless Sycophant: When taking Boost actions that target Caesar Meccanico or a New Rome minion or lieutenant with a larger die size than your own, increase the size of the bonus created by one.

Cringing Lackey d6 minion 

Duck!: You receive a +2 bonus when taking Defend actions that target Caesar Meccanico or a New Rome minion or lieutenant with a larger die size than your own.

Useful Puppet d8 minion 

Foolishly Loyal: When Caesar Meccanico or a New Rome minion or lieutenant with a larger die size than your own is Attacked, you may sacrifice yourself to reduce the damage dealt to zero.

Stolid Myrmidon d10 minion 

Well Armed and Armored: You receive a +1 bonus when taking Attack actions or rolling saves against damage.

Valued Henchman d12 minion 

Actually Helpful: Whenever you take an action that targets an enemy, you may also Boost a villain using the same die roll.

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