Friday, June 23, 2023

Mega-Roach, Monstrous Mutant Insect

Giant insects are classic monster-comic fare, and here's a typical example.  By kaiju standards it's a bit on the small size - only about as big as a bus - but could show up in multiples for something like Gorgiza to snack on.


The giant mutated insects the media have dubbed "Mega-Roaches" have been making occasional appearances since the 1950s atomic testing period, but they're becoming more common over time despite efforts to exterminate them for good.  These attempts are complicated by the fact that the creatures leak mutagenic substances that can create more of their kind from normal vermin.  Various supervillains have also been known to create these things for use as distractions for other schemes, and a rare few (like King Kockroach) can control them directly.

Individual mega-roaches vary quite a bit, but they're generally about 40' long and have at least six legs.  Even the ones whose wings aren't hopelessly stunted or deformed by mutations weigh far to much to fly, but they remain quite able to scuttle up suitably large buildings and geographic features.  They don't appear to be interested in anything beyond food - and humans are a nice mouthful for them - but you never can tell when a super-intelligent one with psychic powers might show up. 

Description: A cockroach the size of a bus, sporting various mutations like extra limbs, antennae and compound eyes.  Oily toxic goop oozes from the joints in its carapace and limbs and its mandibles constantly drool sticky greenish-black toxic saliva. 

Gender: It's A Roach            Age: Unknown      Height: ~12'          Eyes: Black

Hair: Not Really     Exoskeletal Carapace: Oily Brown     Build: Giant Mutated Roach

Approach: Leech

Archetype: Titan (Status Challenge: Study Exoskeletal Weaknesses 00  Breach the Soft Spot 0)

Health:  45 + (5 x H)

Powers: Biochemical Arsenal d10, Strength d8, Wall-Crawling d6

Qualities: Alertness d8, Close Combat d8, Fitness d8, Gargantuan Mutant Cockroach d8

Status: Titan Challenge Start - d12 / Stage 1 Completed - d10 / Stage 2 Completed - d8


Mutated Exoskeleton (I) Reduce all damage you take by 6 (at d12 status), 4 (at d10 status), or 2 (at d8 or less status).

Sticky Spittle & Grinding Mandibles (A) Attack using Strength.  Use your Max die.  The target can either be Hindered using your Max + Mid + Min dice, or be unable to take actions other than using an Overcome to attempt to escape.

Stinking Exudations (A) Hinder multiple targets using Biochemical Arsenal.  Recover Health equal to your Min die.  If you roll doubles, also Attack one of those targets using your Max die.

Sudden Spit (R) When Attacked, Defend yourself by rolling your single Biochemical Arsenal die.  If this negates the Attack entirely, use the same roll to Hinder the Attacker and Boost yourself.

Urban Decay In Action (A) Activate one of the environment's twists in its current zone.

Upgrades & Masteries (optional):

Power Upgrade (I) +20 Health.  Increase all Power dice sizes by one (max d12).

Master of Annihilation (I) If you can cause massive collateral damage without regard for casualties, automatically succeed at an Overcome in a situation where a show of overwhelming force would help.


Despite its imposing size, a Mega-Roach relies as much on its nasty chemical secretions as much as raw physical might in combat.  Its primary offensive ability it to use its Sticky Spittle & Grinding Mandibles to maul prey while trapping them in a gooey mass of toxic saliva.  It makes every effort to exploit the turn sequence to first trap a target and then apply a big penalty and further damage to keep the victim helpless until the bug can finish them off.  They rely on their Mutated Exoskeleton and Sudden Spit reaction to minimize the damage they take.  When injured they use Stinking Exudations to simultaneously heal and apply penalties to multiple foes, spending all the hoarded bonuses from their excellent reaction to buff those effects for maximum effect - and they might even get to deal some damage if they roll doubles.  When lacking an obvious target it can also use its size and mass to trigger environmental twists with Urban Decay In Action, complicating the scene no end as it hunts for suitable victims to devour. 

Their upgrade reflects an older, more mature Mega-Roach (the base stats are young ones), and their mastery is exactly what you'd expect from a giant monster.  


City In Peril Environment 

Represents any generic urban area that's under attack from big, destructive threats like rampaging giant robots, kaiju, bombardment by massed artillery, or death ray attacks from orbiting alien spaceships.

Crumbling Architecture d8, Dangerous Infrastructure d8, Screaming Crowds d10

Green Zone

(Minor Twists)

Blinding Smoke: Roll the environment dice.  Hinder all targets with the Min die.

Falling Debris: Roll the environment dice.  Attack all targets with the Min die.

Trapped Civilian: Roll the environment dice.  Start challenge.  Rescue Citizen: 0  Hinder all heroes with the value of the Min die until this challenge is completed.

(Major Twist)

Leaking Gas Lines: Start challenge.  Prevent Explosion: 0  Timer: 0  Triggered: Advance the scene tracker by one. 

Yellow Zone

(Minor Twists)

Buried Under the Rubble: Roll the environment dice.  Hinder one hero with the Mid die, and Attack that hero with the Min die.

Broken Power Line: Roll the environment dice.  Attack one hero with the Max die.

Police Assistance: Roll the environment dice.  Boost two heroes with the Mid die.

(Major Twist)

Panicking Crowd: Roll the environment dice.  Start multi-stage challenge.  Calm Civilians 0  Evacuate Civilians 00  Heroes cannot Overcome the second stage on the same round that the first stage is completed.  Hinder all heroes with the value of the Mid die until this challenge is completed. 

Red Zone

(Minor Twists)

Just Keeps Getting Worse: Trigger three different minor twists from the Green or Yellow zones.

Raging Fires: Roll the environment dice.  Hinder all targets using the Mid die.  Attack all targets using the Min die.

(Major Twist)

Collapsing Buildings: Roll the environment dice.  Start timed challenge.  Avoid Collapse 0 Timer 0  Each hero must Overcome this challenge individually.  Triggered: Each hero that failed to complete this challenge is Attacked with the Max + Min dice, and all minions and lieutenants are removed from the scene.

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