Thursday, June 1, 2023

The Seven Sea-Masters, A Shoal of Aquatic Villains

This is my largest collection of villains in a single post to date, although all of them will work fine as solo baddies too.  Their only real team synergy is everyone being good in and under the water, either by actually having Swimming d8 or higher or Octoshock's signature vehicle.  More of support network than a proper team, it would be pretty rare for all seven of them to be involved in the same scheme at the same time but running into 2-4 at a time is very likely.  While aquatically themed none of them actually bad on dry land, although it would deprive them of a likely mobility advantage.  No legless mermen or living waterspouts or whatever in this lot.

The Seven Sea-Masters

There are nowhere near as many ocean-dwelling supers as there are on land, but heroes still turn up to interfere with villainous schemes often enough to be a nuisance.  After one particularly galling incident Doctor Dreadnought decided he'd had enough and took a page from his more numerous shoreside peers.  Seeking out as many of his fellow sea-going villains as he could locate (breaking a few out of prison in the process), he proposed they form a mutual assistance pact.  By aiding each others' schemes when called on they could overwhelm the lone heroes that made up what few aquatic heroes there were, and even resist "landlubber" hero teams who chose to meddle in something that was none of their business.  It took some time to talk the others around to his point of view, but in the end a half-dozen other villains saw the potential benefits and the Seven Sea-Masters were formed.

Calling them a team would be an exaggeration.  Their goals are diverse enough that it's rare for all seven to be involved in a single plot, but even operating as a loose coalition they've been more effective than they ever were solo.  A "normal" Seven Sea-Masters story might involve anywhere from 2-6 of the individual villains, often carrying out multiple steps of a scheme in different locations.  The members "sitting out" a given plan are expected to help free any of the rest of the group that wind up imprisoned if things go awry, providing some insurance against defeat for everyone.

Strengths & Personal Goals

Each "Sea-Master" has their own specialties and motivations, the diversity of which actually helps them work together since they aren't as likely to bicker about overlapping goals.

Doctor Dreadnought brings advanced technology and an elite corps of loyal followers to the table.  He dreams of establishing himself as the autocratic head of a true undersea nation, perhaps eventually leveraging that into rule of all the world's oceans.

Octoshocker is also skilled at super-engineering, with an eye toward using it to steal even more tech secrets to improve his current designs.  He's also a bit of an adrenalin junky and a glory hound who looks to prove himself against powerful heroes.

Spearfisher is a genius weaponsmith, good at planning heists at sea and has more connections to the broader criminal underworld than the rest of the group.  As a modern-day pirate and hijacker his motivations are purely monetary.  He's by far the most likely to do "work for hire" as a mercenary, or to hire other supers from outside the group for a job.

Grandfather Hunger provides raw physical power and intimidation, as well as a surprising amount of knowledge about nearby dimensions that could be exploited by more intelligent villains.  His only real interest is food but he's developed a taste for super-powered prey and may tag along on a mission simply for the chance to hunt any heroes who show up to interfere.  He's generally seen as the least reliable of the Seven Seas, but also the easiest to manipulate.

Slaughterfish is a savage fighter in and out of melee, as well as being a talented fringe biochemist and physician.  His dream of remaking humanity into fish-men like himself is worrying even to most of his peers but he's clever enough to downplay exactly how grandiose his plans really are - which might work out very badly if he somehow accomplishes it.  He's regarded as just barely more reliable than Grandfather Hunger, in part because he tends to go berserk in a fight.

Blacksand has a variety of powers that make him the group's intrusion and stealth expert, as well as being exceptionally good at hampering enemies during combat.   He lacks true personal goals and his own ancient programming has been somewhat corrupted by time and damage to his systems.  His innate tendency to obey commands where they don't contradict his lost masters' mandates makes it easy to convince him to assist his fellow Sea-Masters.  When he does recall the location of some ancient site, mechanism or relic his schemes tend to be big ones with side effects that a canny ally could easily benefit from.

Admiral Phantom offers some real magical talent to the group, but his main contribution is a seemingly endless army of undead spirits, giving him access to large numbers of truly expendable minions.  His goal is simple: expand his power base by drowning as many of the living as possible.  If he had his way the whole world would be a storm-wracked ocean - which isn't entirely a bad idea in the eyes of some of his peers.


Doctor Dreadnought

Multi-billionaire and genius polymath Horatio Waterman comes from a wealthy English family with distant ties to the Tudor dynasty, which seems to have inspired an unhealthy hunger for power in the man.  He considers himself a realist though, acknowledging that the days of colonization and conquest of the seven continents is long past.  The seven seas are another matter entirely.  Waterman dreams of establishing an undersea nation of his own and becoming a major player in world politics.  To date he's had no success following legitimate channels, with even his wealth being unable to buy approval and recognition from the UN.

Not one to let that sort of roadblock stop him, Horatio has covertly adopted the identity of Doctor Dreadnought, a power-armored supervillain bent on taking his corner of the sea (or possibly all of them) by any means required.  As Dreadnought he employs a sizeable force of well-equipped minions, maintains multiple secret bases and a small fleet of combat submersibles.  He generally seeks to weaken the naval forces of the "landlubber" powers while supplementing his own resources with piracy and hijacking, all while scheming for an eventual campaign of nautical conquest.   

Description: Out of his armor, a heavyset Caucasian man in an unflattering snug blue bodysuit.  When armored up, a massive figure of thick blue-gray metal, humanoid but much thicker around the torso and with disproportionately long arms.  The operator's arms are held within the chest, with the oversized arms and hands being entirely mechanical.  The bucket-liked helmet is featureless aside from two short horizontal fins, but the huge shoulders and forearms are studded with weapon ports.  Its lower legs mount powerful thrusters that drive it through both water and air at startling speed.  

Gender: Male        Age: 35        Height: 5'6" (7'2" In Suit)        Eyes: Gray     

Hair: Thinning, Mousy Brown        Skin: Pale        Build: Stout (Massive In Suit)

Approach:  Mastermind                           Archetype:  Indomitable

Health:  40 + (5 x H)

Powers: Power Suit d12, Swimming d10, Flying d8

Qualities: Self-Discipline d10, Aquatic Conqueror d8, Imposing d8, Leadership d8, Science d8, Technology d8

Status: Always d8


Dreadnought Armor (I) Reduce damage dealt to you by two.

Grip Of Steel (A) Attack using Power Suit.  Either Hinder that target using your Max die, or Defend yourself using your Min die and you and that target end up elsewhere in the scene.

Implacable (R) When Attacked, Boost yourself using the Attacker's Max die.

Staggering Barrage (A) Attack one hero using Technology.  Hinder all heroes using your Max die.

Upgrades & Masteries (usually in effect):

Defense Shield (I) You cannot be damaged by anything except yourself until the defense shield is destroyed.  The shield has 40 Health, or can be deactivated with three Overcome successes.  If a hero takes a minor twist working on the shield, you can use a Reaction to Attack that hero by rolling your single Power Suit die.  Gain Reestablish Shield (A) Overcome using Power Suit.  Use your Max die.  On a success remove one success from the deactivation challenge.  Alternatively, instead of an Overcome, use your Max die to Recover that much of the shield's Health.  This ability cannot be used if the shield has been completely removed.

Master of Mad Science (A) As long as you have access to materials, automatically succeed at an Overcome by using scientific principles and inventions.


Doctor Dreadnaught is a fairly straightforward foe in a fight, relying on his tank-like battle suit for its brute strength and integral weaponry and fighting defensively while lackeys and allies deal out damage.  He favors Staggering Barrage for offense, singling out hero for direct Attack while sending the rest reeling with shock charges and subsonics.  Grip of Steel lets him seize a foe and drag them away from sensitive machinery or challenges they're attempting to deal with, as well as offering him more defense that stacks with Dreadnought ArmorImplacable lets him turn enemy blows into bonuses, the stronger the better.  The suit also offers strong mobility options both above and below the waves, which he'll be quick to use for escape if need be.

His upgrade makes him even more durable, and emphasizes his scientific and technological genius.

Doctor Dreadnought's followers are a variation on the generic "Science Crime" Operatives with snazzy high-tech diving gear and the ability to operate underwater as well as they do on land.  His combat subs vary in size and power from small one-man "fighter" subs that can be treated as lieutenants all the way up to submersible battleships that can contain multiple scenes worth of action. 



Terrence Clark stumbled into his super-villainous career completely by accident.  A petty thief, he broke into a storage unit in Corpus Christi and literally found his signature vehicle waiting for him under a tarp, along with the "educator helmet" that forcibly implanted full working knowledge of how to maintain, operate and even improve upon the thing.  Whether that info also skewed his sense of morality or he just grabbed for the chance to become remove the "petty" qualifier from his resume is unclear.  Regardless, he's spent the last few years establishing himself as competent technology-focused villain, specializing in ocean-going piracy that exploits the strengths of his bizarre ride.  He's unusually enthusiastic about scrapping with heroes who get in his way even when outnumbered, making him a popular ally when working with other villains who are looking for some muscle.

Terrence himself is a mundane human (albeit with some artificially-implanted skills and knowledge), but his Octoshocker vehicle is a marvel of strange super-science.  The thing is durable, incredibly fast in the water with no known dive limitations, and has fully sealed perpetual life support.  Add a sophisticated self-repair system, the ability to channel electricity through its hull or project it at range, and of course its distinctive array of multifunctional tentacular limbs and it's quite a marvel.  An "educated" pilot can effortlessly use all eight limbs at once, multitasking with an ease that suggests there may be some neural re-wiring involved in the process.  To date its creator remains a mystery and no one has stepped forward to try to reclaim the thing from Terrence, and he has no intention of letting it go if that does happen.      

Description: A short, sunburned fireplug of a man in a wetsuit riding in the bubble canopy of a bizarre machine.  The thing is strange blend of mini-sub and mechanical octopus, with eight armored tentacles ending in pods containing a mix of tools, grippers and thrusters.  It moves with a disturbing alien grace and smells of ozone when powered up.  You can hear the pilot hooting and hollering like a rowdy sports fan over the external loudspeakers during a fight.

Gender: Male        Age: Mid-Twenties         Height: 5'5"           Eyes: Brown

Hair: Dark Brown     Skin: Sunburned Caucasian     Build: Heavily Muscled

Approach: Focused                         Archetype: Guerrilla

Health:  35 + (5 x H)

Powers: Octoshocker d12, Electricity d8

Qualities:  Technology d10, Banter d8, Techno-Pirate d8

Status: (# of Enemies Engaged) 4+ - d10 / 2-3 - d8 / 0-1 - d6


Eight-Way Onslaught (A) Attack multiple close targets using Technology.  Hinder each target using your Min die.

Insulated (I) Ignore all Electricity damage dealt to you.

Into The Scrum (I) If you are outnumbered by nearby opponents, reduce all damage dealt to you by two.

Octoblock (R) Defend against an Attack against only you by rolling your single Octoshocker die.  Boost yourself using amount of damage reduced.

Too Many Tentacles (A) Attack one target using Octoshocker.  Use your Max die.  That target cannot Defend or use reactions against this Attack.  Attack multiple other nearby targets using your Min die.

Upgrades & Masteries (optional, mostly depends on his potential paycheck):

Power Boost (I) +20 Health.  Increase all Power dice sizes by one (max d12).  Add the following ability:  Responsive Controls (I) At the start of your turn, gain a bonus equal to the number of opponents that Attacked you since your last turn.

Master Mercenary (I) If you have a contract for a specific task, automatically succeed at an Overcome when your payment is at stake.


Octoshocker is kind of manic and loves throwing himself into the heart of a fight, using Eight-Way Onslaught when he's up against brawlers or Too Many Tentacles if there are more mid-range fighters.  His Octoblock reaction makes him harder to damage and pumps him up as well, so he'll use it as soon a she can each round.  The machine is thoroughly Insulated against electricity, which he'll sometimes exploit with clever Overcomes, especially when underwater.  Into the Scrum makes him pretty tough when facing multiple foes.

His upgrade makes him even better when outnumbered thanks to the Octoshocker's Responsive Controls, and his mastery shows off his monetary motivation.    



Formerly employed by BAE Systems as an assistant naval weapons engineer, Mason Jameson was officially declared dead eight years ago, lost at sea during a tragic testing accident.  In actuality, he faked his death, absconded with the prototype equipment being tested, and began a lucrative career as the mysterious supervillain Spearfisher.  Primarily an aquatic menace, he mostly pulls his heists at sea but has been known to launch raids on the coast, in upriver cities or near major lakes.  Anyplace where he can make an approach and escape by water is potential target.  He really prefers striking at cruise ships, yachts, and the occasional cargo ship known to be hauling interesting tech gear.

Spearfisher uses a variety of gear for his villainy, foremost among them his customized spear launcher and its wide variety of ammunition.  His thruster pack gives him excellent speed and buoyancy underwater and some aerial mobility as well, the latter of which makes boarding a lot easier as well as enabling penthouse robberies ashore.

Description: A lean, athletically-built man in a fancy navy blue diving suit with pale green detailing and a streamlined finned helmet that wholly conceals his features.  He seems burdened down with gear: a huge spear-cannon with a rotary ammunition clip, an oversized thruster pack flanked by twin quivers loaded with short spears, and twin bandoliers loaded with various custom warheads.  Despite all this he still moves nimbly in the water, and his boot-fins are made of configurable smart-plastic that can be retracted to let him walk in them normally on dry land - or the deck of a ship he's boarding.  His natural voice is harsh and grating with a strong Boston accent, but his helmet includes a voice-changer that speaks with flat mechanical tones.

Gender: Male               Age: 33                Height: 5'8"                Eyes: Blue

Hair: Thin Blonde Fuzz        Skin: Deeply Tanned        Build: Trim

Approach: Relentless                   Archetype: Inventor

Health:  30 + (5 x H)

Powers: Inventions d10, Swimming d8, Flight d6

Qualities: Science d10, Aquatic Raider d8, Technology d8, Criminal Underworld Info d6

Status: ( # of inventions & mods) 4+ - d12 / 2-3 - d10 / 1 - d8 / 0 - d6


Disruptor Warhead (A) Attack and Hinder one target using Inventions.  If target status is d4 or d6, use your Max + Min dice  If target status is d8, use your Max die.  If target status is d10 or d12, use your Mid die.

Overcharged Shot (A) Attack using Inventions and at least one bonus.  Use your Max + Mid + Min dice and add all of your bonuses, destroying them.

Tandem Charges (R) After making an Attack on your turn, use your Mid die to make another Attack against one target of the initial Attack.

Versatile Ammunition (A) Boost using Inventions.  Hinder using your Max die.  Attack using your Min die.

Upgrades & Masteries (optional):

Villainous Vehicle +15 Health  Include a Getaway Aquajet d10 lieutenant with the following abilities in the scene.  Distance Attack (I) To Attack this vehicle a hero must make an Overcome action to be able to reach it. Escape Plan (R) If the Villain is Attacked roll this vehicle's die.  If it rolls higher than the villain's current Health, both the villain and the vehicle escape the scene.  Sturdy (I) When rolling a damage save, add +2 to the result.

Master of Mad Science (A) As long as you have access to materials, automatically succeed at an Overcome by using scientific principles and inventions.


Spearfisher is all about piling on the offense with his harpoon cannon and its countless custom warheads, although in a melee he's been known to manually attach them to a target.  He employs Versatile Ammunition initially to build up a bonus and impair dangerous foes, then expends that bonus for Overcharged Shot as often as possible.  His Tandem Charges reaction lets him eke out extra damage on a chosen target.  Disruptor Warheads are reserved for vulnerable targets with smaller status dice, although they're still quite effective even against d8 status targets.

His upgrade gives him a reliable way to escape and haul away his loot.  His Aquajet is a sleek rocket sub with a decided Flash Gordon style to it, fins and all.  His mastery reflects his considerable talent for technological innovation, especially when it involves weaponry.  


Grandfather Hunger

The monstrous entity that mystics call Grandfather Hunger is an extradimensional predator from some nightmare world where evolution followed a very different path.  Seemingly derived from prehistory's dunkleosteus, the thing is a humanoid man-fish hybrid with incredible physical strength and durability coupled with an endless hunger and lust for blood.  It shows little interest in communicating but admits that it "swam" to our reality from a place it had depleted of suitable prey, all in search of better hunting.  Worryingly, despite being driven off in several clashes with superbeings it seems to regard our Earth as a perfectly suitable new home and shows no indication of moving on or returning to where it came from.  Thankfully it prefers to hunt prey at sea, which at least limits the threat it poses to civilians ashore.

The thing has a very alien intelligence and cannot easily be reasoned with, although it isn't hard to distract, trick or confuse.  Some villains have managed to reach working agreements with it, which raises the concerning possibility that it may be accustomed to hunting in groups - which would mean there may be more of them out there.

Description: A massive humanoid, covered in dull silver-gray scales and dark plates of bone over its head and torso.  It has a short stub of a tail, oversized webbed hands and feet, and nightmarish head flanked by small gills that rises directly from its powerful shoulders.  Two goggling eyes adorn the sides of its armored head and its powerful jaws scissor together like metal shears.  It has a limited vocabulary and its voice is a deep rumble bubbling up from its broad chest. 

Gender: Male             Age: Inconceivable           Height: 7'4"              Eyes: Black

Hair: None                  Skin: Scaled & Plated               Build: Hulking

Approach: Ancient                         Archetype: Bruiser

Health:  50 + (5 x H)

Powers: Savage Jaws d12, Strength d10, Vitality d10, Swimming d8

Qualities: Close Combat d12, Imposing d12, Fitness d10, Instinctive Carnivore d8, Otherworldly Mythos d8

Status: Green Zone Health - d6 / Yellow Zone Health - d8 / Red Zone Health - d10


Crippling Bite (A) Attack using Savage Jaws.  Use your Max die.  Hinder a target dealt damage this way using your Max + Min.

Feast On Violence (R) When Attacked, use the amount of damage you take to Boost yourself.

Still Hungry (I) If you would be reduced to zero Health and you don't have a penalty, roll your single Vitality die and become that Health.

Thrashing Fury (A) Attack using Strength.  Use your Max die.  Either Hinder that target with your Mid die or Attack another nearby target using your Mid die.

Upgrades & Masteries (optional):

Group Fighter (I) +20 Health.  When you take an action that lets you make an Attack, also make an Attack using your Mid die. 

Master of Annihilation (I) If you can cause massive collateral damage without regard for casualties, automatically succeed at an Overcome in a situation where a show of overwhelming force would help.


Grandfather Hunger is a predictable but savage combatant, fighting harder the more its prey resists.  It prefers to maul a single victim with Crippling Bite, but if faced with two or more foes it switches to Thrashing Fury to increase its damage output.  The bonuses it earns from Feast On Violence are usually channeled into even more damage, but it may use them to scrub off any persistent penalties it suffers so that it's more likely to be able to use Still Hungry if need be.

Its upgrade helps both offense and defense, while its mastery reflects its berserk destructive fury.



Daniel Brooks made a name for himself in the field of marine biology while fresh out of Boston University, eventually returning to his native Jamaica to work for a subsidiary of Edge Biotechnologies.  He was accidentally exposed to a mutagenic compound that destabilized his DNA and wreaked havoc on both body and mind, leading him transforming into a crazed aquatic hybrid creature.  The press named the thing Slaughterfish after it went on a killing spree in a local resort.  Daniel eventually reverted to his human form with only distorted memories of what he'd done, but he was also saddled with a second, decidedly inhuman personality that shared his body and increasingly dominated his actions.  He lived several months of a sort of Jekyll & Hyde existence before eventually succumbing entirely to the monster within.

Slaughterfish now wears his old human face only to allay suspicions and conduct research pursuing his obsession.  He strives to re-create the process that made him and dreams of transforming all of humanity into his kind.  To date he's had no success, although he has managed to mutate and "improve" a number of aquatic species.  His metabolism has altered enough that he can control his transformations at will without chemical assistance, and eventually he hopes to begin secreting mutagens of his own to hasten his plans.      

Description: In human form, a thin African-American man, usually dressed in lab clothing or a wetsuit.  When transformed, a naked human-piscine hybrid covered in sharp scales and sporting a profusion of blade-like arm and leg fins.  He sports a maw full of needle-sharp fangs in a powerful set of distended jaws, with flaring pinkish-red gills along his short, thick neck.  Remarkably, he retains a thick Jamaican accent even in his fish-man form.       

Gender: Male        Age: Mid-Thirties        Height: 5'10" (6'4")        Eyes: Brown (Black)

Hair: Dark Brown (None)     Skin: Brown (Blue-Green-Yellow)     Build: Scrawny (Monstrous)

Approach: Dampening                     Archetype: Predator

Health: 40 + (5 x H)

Powers: Razor-Sharp Claws, Teeth, Fins & Scales d10, Agility d8, Swimming d8

Qualities: Close Combat d10, Deranged Marine Biologist d8, Medicine d8, Ranged Combat d8

Status: (# of Enemies Engaged) 0-1 - d10 / 2-3 - d8 / 4+ - d6


Bloodthirsty Strike (A) Attack using Close Combat.  Use your Max die.  If the target has a penalty you created or is in the Red zone, use your Max + Mid dice instead.

Crippling Wound (A) Hinder using Razor-Sharp Claws, Teeth, Fins & Scales.  Use your Max die.  That penalty is persistent and exclusive.  As long as that penalty is on the target, reduce their highest power die of your choice by one die size.  Attack using your Mid die.

Slashing Frenzy (A) Hinder multiple targets using Agility.  Use your Max die.  Use your Mid + Min dice to Attack any target that gains a penalty this way that already had a penalty from you. 

Sudden Cut (R) When a nearby hero that you can see invokes a twist, roll your single Razor-Sharp Claws, Teeth, Fins & Scales die to Hinder them.

Upgrades & Masteries (always when in an aquatic scene, never otherwise):

Mook Squad +0 Health.  Gain Call Neo-Sharks (A) Replenish your Neo-Shark minions up to the number of heroes in the scene.

Master of Total Chaos (I) Automatically succeed at an Overcome when you throw out all the rules during a situation that is spiraling out of control.


Slaughterfish generally opens a fight with Crippling Wound to apply lasting penalties, then exploits the resulting weakness with Bloodthirsty Strike.  He uses the Sudden Cut reaction whenever possible, and whenever he starts his turn with two or more targets that have penalties from him he'll employ Slashing Frenzy to maximize his effectiveness.  If possible he'll try to exploit the initiative to use Slashing Frenzy again before affected heroes can act and shed the penalties from the first usage, producing a large damage spike and heavy stacked penalties to them all.  While he prefers to stay in melee, he can make ranged attacks by prying off and hurling his own sharp scales at foes, something he can do with any of his abilities except Bloodthirsty Strike

With his upgrade he can summon a school of his dangerous Neo-Shark minions at will, which help him exploit his mastery of confused and dangerous situations. 


Neo-Shark d10 minion

Description: Man-sized sharks, augmented with greater speed, strength, hardiness and intelligence.

Still A Fish: You move as though you had Swimming d8, but cannot voluntarily leave the water.  When taking actions against targets not in the water with you, you take a -4 penalty.  You may not make saving rolls against damage unless you're in the water.



This strange creature was originally mistaken for an inert statue found during an underseas archeology dig.  When brought ashore the subsequent examination awoke the thing, which proved to be an automaton created by some unknown prehistoric (and possibly inhuman) culture.  Dubbed "Obsidiman" by its discoverers, the thing attempted to follow its ancient programming by killing or driving off the human intruders, then returned to the submerged dig site and activating mechanisms that would have destabilized to local tectonics to raise a large area of the sea floor to the surface.  A team of heroes stepped in to prevent the massive loss of life and property damage that would have followed, eventually being forced to shatter the Obsidman into powdered fragments to stop it.

That was assumed to be the end of it, but within months the recovered remains of the golem had mysteriously disappeared from the lab that was investigating them.  Shortly thereafter the creature made another attempt to restore the mechanisms in another heretofore unknown site deep beneath the Pacific ocean, endangering the Hawaiian Islands in the process.  The thing was stopped again, but had undergone an unexpected transformation.  Rather than repairing itself into its former statue-like Obsidiman form, it was now a mass of coarse black particles operating much like a nanite swarm in semi-human form.  Calling itself Blacksand, it proved impossible to capture, issuing a few final threats before flowing away through the shadowed deeps seas like a cloud of sentient ink.

The thing's motivations seem to be wholly preprogrammed directives to protect and restore its creators' old installations, regardless of the effects that restoration might have on the planet's current residents.  Thankfully the damage it suffered when defeated as Obsidiman seems to have partially scrambled its memories, but Blacksand still reappears regularly pursuing some destructive scheme.  

Description: A naked, sexless and powerfully built figure, seemingly made of rough black sandstone.  The creature struggles to maintain its regular proportions, slumping and distorting unnaturally when moving.  It can dissolve into flowing sand, briefly harden itself into a form like crudely chiseled stone, and stretch itself into dark snaking coils that strike with crushing force.  Its voice is the sound of grating stone, alien and cold.

Gender: None     Age: Many Millennia     Height: Variable, Usually 7-8'     Eyes: Black

Hair: None     Skin: Like Coarse Black Sand     Build: Variable, Muscular In Humanoid Form 

Approach: Ninja                   Archetype: Inhibitor

Health:  30 + (5 x H)

Powers: Density Control d10, Elasticity d10, Swimming d8, Wall-Crawling d8, Toxic d6

Qualities: Close Combat d10, Stealth d10, Finesse d8, Fitness d8, Shattered Inhuman Golem d8

Status: (# of heroes with penalties) 0 - d6 / 1-2 - d8 / 3+ - d10


Agonizing Blow (A) Attack using Close Combat.  Hinder that target using your Max + Min dice.

Blacksand Shroud (A) Hinder using Density Control.  This penalty is persistent and exclusive.  As long as this penalty is in play, reduce damage dealt to you by one and whenever you are dealt damage, the target of this penalty takes one irreducible damage.

Blacksand Storm (A) Hinder multiple targets using Elasticity.  Use your Max die.  Attack one of those targets using your Mid die. 

Slip Away (R) When Attacked, Defend yourself by rolling your single Stealth die.  Boost yourself using the amount of damage reduced.

Upgrades & Masteries (optional):

Brainwashing Zone (I) +10 Health.  While the scene is in the green zone, all heroes' qualities of d8 or higher are reduced by one die size.  In the Yellow zone all of the heroes' qualities of d10 or higher are reduced by one additional step (two die sizes total).  In the Red zone, all heroes' quality dice are treated as d4.  Heroes can remove this upgrade with three overcome successes.  If a hero takes a minor twist while taking these Overcomes, they lose access to a quality entirely until this upgrade is removed.  If a hero is knocked out while this ability is active, create a new friendly minion with a die size equal to the hero's largest power die to represent the brainwashed hero.

Master of the Unfathomable (I) If you are in a situation involving ancient forces, automatically succeed at an Overcome to follow your ancient programming despite your damaged state.


Blacksand uses its flowing form in combat, varying its consistency and shape to attack and defend.  Agonizing Blow is its most straightforward Attack, and can be delivered in its stony form, a lashing whip of abrasive sand or a choking toxic cloud.  Blacksand Shroud lowers its density enough to drive a subcutaneous lair of particles into its victim, establishing a lasting link with their life force.  It can dissolve into a cloud of particles with Slip Away when pressed, and deal with multiple foes using Blacksand Storm to stretch itself over a broad area for a brief period.

With its upgrade the creature can surround itself with a haze of its own substance, which acts as a psychoactive hallucinogen to most organic lifeforms.  It mastery lets it fulfill the orders of its long-vanished creators more effectively.


Admiral Phantom

The otherworldly entity known as Admiral Phantom claims to be the spirit of a pirate "admiral" who perished in the late 17th century, going down with his ship while battling against the English navy.  No historical records of the events he's described have been found, but arguing with the unquiet dead is an exercise in futility even for superheroes.  The Admiral was stirred from his watery slumber during World War Two and has remained active intermittently ever since then, pirating ships of all kinds, pillaging isolated coastal communities, and even occasionally sailing upriver in pursuit of nautically-themed treasures of mystical origin.

Admiral Phantom has demonstrated the ability to summon the spirits of those who've drowned at sea to obey his commands, potentially manifesting dozens or even hundreds of them.  His powers are strongest at sea, diminishing on shore and falling off greatly the farther inland he travels.  He also commands dark magics that let him meddle with the fabric of reality.  While generally interested in plunder and spreading fear, he has occasionally attempted more ambitious schemes.  He has access to ritual magic that could submerge entire islands or coastal cities, something that would bolster his powers and the ranks of his drowned crew considerably if he succeeded.   

Description: Ghostly apparition of an Age of Sail pirate captain, dressed in a ragged and bloodstained English officer's coat.  His hawk-like features are partly concealed by his long dark hair, seemingly blown in a spectral wind.  The figure is festooned with black powder pistols and carries a long cutlass which blazes with pale flame when brandished in combat.  His voice is hollow and mournful, nearly drowned out by the sound of sea and storm.  

Gender: Male               Age: Died Late 1600s            Height: 6'4"           Eyes: Glowing White

Hair: Black, Wind-Tossed           Skin: Deathly Pallor           Build: Wispy Ectoplasm

Approach:  Creator                     Archetype:  Overlord

Health:  30 + (5 x H)

Powers: Infernal d10, Intangibility d8, Swimming d8, Flight d6

Qualities: Magical Lore d10, History d8, Leadership d8, Officer of the Unquiet Armada d8, Otherworldly Mythos d8

Status:  (# of Minions & Lieutenants) 9+ - d12 / 5-8 - d10 / 3-4 - d8 / 1-2 - d6 / 0 - d4


Admiral's Orders (A) Boost using Leadership for all your minions until the start of your next turn.

Commander & Crew (A) Attack using Infernal.  Use your Max die.  Defend yourself against all Attacks until the start of your next turn using the number of your minions.

General Quarters (A) Use Magical Lore to create a number of minions equal to the value of your Max die.  The starting die size of for those minions is the same as the size of your Min die.

Lieutenant On Deck  (A) Use Magical Lore to create a lieutenant of the same die size as your Max die.

Reclaim the Fallen (R) When one of your minions is destroyed, roll its die and Recover that much Health.

Upgrades & Masteries (optional, usually in effect if at sea):

Hardier Minions + 5 Health.  Gain Supernatural Promotion (A) Upgrade a number of your minions equal to the number of heroes in the scene by increasing their die size by one (max d12).

Master of Conquest (I) As long as you are in command of your own forces, automatically succeed at an Overcome to seize an area or capture civilians.


Admiral Phantom relies on his crew of drowned spirits for his effectiveness, supporting them as they support him.  He can conjure up ghostly sailors in large numbers with General Quarters or a fellow officer with Lieutenant On DeckAdmiral's Orders makes his minions far more effective and he can Reclaim the Fallen as they take losses to restore his own energies.  When forced to take a direct hand in a fight he relies on backup from Commander & Crew for protection.

With his upgrade he can issue a Supernatural Promotion to sailors who merit a reward.  His mastery lets him coordinate them flawlessly when it comes to looting, plundering and seizing other ships by force.


Seaman's Spirit variable minion, often d8 or d10 (see General Quarters and Supernatural Promotion)

Description: Spectral sailors from throughout history, the majority stemming from the Age of Sail.  Many are armed with ghostly weapons native to their time period and the rest can conjure up phantom cutlasses, belaying pins and the like at need.  They seem to be trying to speak but only faint moaning and sounds of wind and sea can be heard.   

Ghosts of the Drowned: You are immune to drowning and may move as though you had Flight d4, Intangibility d4 and Swimming d6.

Phantom Officer variable lieutenant, usually d10 (see General Quarters)

Description: Ghostly naval officers from throughout history, most from the Age of Sail.  Better dressed and equipped than regular seamen, they wear their tattered uniforms even in the afterlife.  Many are armed with ectoplasmic swords and pistols, and the rest can summon whatever weapons they're comfortable with at will.  Like their lesser brethren they're accompanied by the sound of storm and high seas, although one can faintly hear them shouting commands from the Great Beyond.

Ghosts of the Drowned: You are immune to drowning and may move as though you had Flight d4, Intangibility d4, Swimming d6.

No Malingering!: Nearby Seaman's Spirits minions may reroll any die rolls of one.

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