Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Supervillain Sub-Index S-Z

This is an alphabetical listing of supervillains with supranyms starting from S to Z, broken off from the larger Supervillain sub-index.

Saitetsu - Sole master of an ancient martial art, filled with immortal spite and determined to recover his stolen secrets

Samuel Hakes, the Black Miasma - Giant amorphous murder-cloud that was once a man

Savager - Edgy Nineties metamorphic villain

Savant - Masterful engineer with a serious dislike of the supernatural

Savior RSRD - Search & rescue drone coordinator with some security issues

S-Cape Artist - Teleporting mercenary specialized in providing "exit services" to other criminals

Sea Raven - Amphibious flyer, former villainous identity of the hero Cormorant

Sergeant Armageddon - Radioactive mercenary-turned-supervillain, part of Fireteam Firestorm

Series-7 Peacekeeper - High-end guard robot for super-prisoners

Seventh Envy - Extremely versatile adaptive villain, can be a physical, mental, or mobility powerhouse but only one at a time

SEVER Prime - Head of SEVER, a specialist at impairing other super-beings' powers

ShadowPyre - Flying energy blaster with dark ties to a mysterious otherworldly master

Shaggom the Unyielding - Demon warden of the Court of Entropy

Shatterfist - Crystalline mob enforcer who spawns minions out of his fragments, slowly going mad

She-Gator - The reason why Florida Man doesn't like giving blood transfusions any more

Shift X - Slippery shapeshifter with mind-influencing abilities, very good at deception and infiltration

Shootout - Dangerous young villain with invisible "imaginary gun" psionic constructs, a little embarrassed by his lack of killer instinct

The Silent Harvester - Archetypical slasher flick villain, best at stalking single victims

Sir Needler - Septuagenarian knight of the netherworld

The Sire - Ancestral vampire, as old as humanity

Slammer - Possibly-clever thug equipped with far-future power armor and an energized rocket-hammer, one of the Brute Suit Boys

Slaughterfish - Transformed man-fish bent on making more of his kind

Slink - Skilled intrusion and espionage expert for hire

Southpaw - A relatively amiable pugilist super-thug, strong and fast

Spearfisher - Villainous weapon-maker and heist artist with an aquatic theme

Spearhead ACE - Prototype government power armor stolen by its test pilot 

Strain Zeta Gestalt - Seething mass of giant flesh-eating protozoa

Streetwise - Sociopathic gang leader with potent telepathic powers

Strongarm - Two-fisted cyborg mercenary with some confidence issues

Subject Ten - Brainwashed experimental subject with dangerous living metal implants, versatile melee fighter

Super-Fan - Annoying otherworldy imp who's here to make the heroes' lives more "interesting"

Synchron Supremacy Marshal - "Diplomatic" alien warlord and conqueror

Syzygy - Masterful otherworldly mystic with a weakness to the mysterious "arts" of science 

Tempo - Archetypical speedster with some positional control tricks and the ability to amplify his own powers

The Terrible Tinkertoy - Deranged android tech-villain with an "evil toymaker" theme

Throne of Entropy - Animated demonic servant of the Court of Entropy 

Tik Toxic - Dangerously poisonous street fighter with moderate super strength

Timetripper - Temporally discombobulated villain who fights alongside himself

Tirade - Deranged conspiracy theorist turned demagogue supervillain

Tortoise - Power armored villain with a wide array of defensive technology, often works with the Hare

Triggerman - Frightening gun-fu fighter who likes to be in the thick of the fight, with a knack for vanishing if things go south

El Tronido - Super-strong brawler with a sideline in disruptive sonic effects and defending allies

Troublemaker - Tech-villain with personal electricity-generation abilities, part of Klass K

Twofold - Scrappy four-armed brawler, part of Klass K

Ultimate Infernovox - Otherworldly entity from a plane of flame, parasitizing an entire star as the ultimate extension of its form

UltraShock - Lightning-throwing adrenaline junkie, in it for the kicks as much as the cash

Umma the Unstoppable - Alien space gladiator, four-armed giantess brawler

The Un-Being - Bizarre menace threatening reality itself, one piece at a time

Urakk the Unmaker - Demon sage of the Court of Entropy

Vampirobot - Blood-sucking automaton, servant to a mysterious master

Vestige - Accident victim turned predator who feasts on reality itself, one of the Odds

The Visitant - Ghostly gestalt predator from Beyond

Voon the Savage - Alien space gladiator, prefers to fight one-on-one

Vorrin the Frozen-Hearted - Demon spymaster of the Court of Entropy

War-Wolves - Archetypical synthetic werewolf super-soldiers

The Watcher At the Breach - Environment manipulator, guards a breach in reality with a horde of otherworldy minions

White Lightning - White supremacist speedster

White Steel - Martial arts weapons master out to prove his superiority against worthwhile foes

Yann-Gannoth the Nadir King - Demon ruler of the Court of Entropy

Ymum the Undying - Legendary arch-lich from the dawn of time, overlord of the undead, a real powerhouse with a lot of dangerous servitors

The Yule Cat - Mythological man-eating black cat bigger than a house

Zero Justice - Hired killer with an array of high tech gear and an arsenal of cryo-guns

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