This is an alphabetical listing of supervillains with supranyms starting from E through L, broken off from the larger Supervillain sub-index.
Echo - Penalty-focused villain with sonic and energy absorption powers, has some potent self-healing
Effigy of the God-King - Antediluvian artifact that thinks it's a god on Earth
The Emerald Phantom - Stealthy super-burglar, just in it for the money and thrills
Empowered Protoid - Gigantic biotech construct
Ettin-class Mega-Mutate Original Form - Genetically-engineered atomic kaiju
Ettin-class Mega-Mutate Refit Alpha - Newly repaired atomic cyborg kaiju, symbiotic partner with Intellect Alpha
The Evermind - Infinite cosmic being, possibly a time traveling version of another villain
Fat Man - Radioactive mercenary-turned-supervillain, part of Fireteam Firestorm
Father Cobweb - Paranoid vigilante antihero, partner of Attercop
Fever Dream - Mind-scrambling manipulator, partner of Redd Hott
Firebug - Mercenary tech villain with signature flame projectors, usually accompanied by his daughter
First Mate Iblis - Notorious space pirate with a powerful energy cutlass, a lethal duelist one-on-one
Fist of Shadows - Master ninja assassin, prefers to work alone or with a few expendable genin
Flashbang - Seriously overconfident D-List teleporter
Fnord Model M - Prototype auto-bot hosting a deranged AI
FTL - Homicidally impatient speedster
Gadfly - Malicious fey trickster-imp
Game-Changer - Capricious meddling godling, loaded with illusory and transformative debuffs
General Tiger Devil - A title, not a name, the leader of the Green Devil Army
Gheel Enslaver - Alien abductor hunting for sapient life to sell on the galactic slave markets
The Glomp In the Swamp - Monstrous vector for a psychic zombie plague
Glutton - Power hungry monster that preys on supers, friend to no one
Gorgiza - Archetypical giant radioactive kaiju
Grand Marshal Grakko - Mecha-piloting mutant warlord from a post-apocalyptic alternate future
Grandfather Hunger - Extra-dimensional fish-man predator looking to sate himself on worthy prey
The Green Queen - Floral tyrant from another dimension with genocidal plans
The Groovy Gadget-Man - 1960s hippie techno-villain
Gruj - Brutish superthug with a specialty in kidnapping
Gryla - Mythological child-eating troll-witch from Iceland
Happenstance - Hippie reality warper who'd like to take you on a far-out Trip
The Hare - Elusive magical rabbit cursed with a human body, often works Tortoise
Headache - Narrowly focused but potent telepath who likes to toy with his victims
Hell-Hawk - Avian-obsessed roboticist and member of SIN
Die Hexenkonigin - Neo-Nazi demonologist and spellcaster, not a good team player
Hexxus Alpha - Self-replicating alien bioweapon
The Hollywood Vampire - Classic vampire from a black & white Hollywood B movie
The Homunculoid - Escaped bio-construct, half-mad or more, one of the Odds
Horde - Self-duplicating villain and cousin of Miniac
The Horror Within - Magical kaiju WMD, starts as a parasitic extradimensional spore
Hothead - Treacherous scene-stealing "hero" and corporate shill
Hugo Hellbinder - Doomed fool and temporary super-mage, unwitting host to the Horror Within
Infernovox the All-Consuming - Otherworldy entity from a plane of flame, supremely arrogant and devoted to feeding on our dimension's energies to help spread its own fires everywhere
Intellect Alpha - Cyber-psychic symbiote of the Ettin Refit Alpha atomic kaiju
Irradiant X - Dangerously radioactive young woman with a durable transhuman physiology, strong healing powers and a draining but overwhelmingly powerful energy attack
Jailbreaker - Vicious in-your-face street fighter equipped with far-future power armor and a powerful mace-cannon, one of the Brute Suit Boys
Johnny Crisis - If he shows up, reality is headed for disaster
Judas Progenitor - Psychic who creates "evil twin" psychic constructs based on his foes
Karkinos - Hulking crab/man hybrid and mercenary muscle
Karrion Klone - Nineties villain obsessed with cloning other superhumans, where have we seen that before?
Kid Coppertop - Very young villain with low-level electrical powers, a "villain sidekick" to Shootout
Kid Klotho - Sorcerous young villain with fatebinding magic treads, part of Klass K
Kid Pistol - Young hired gun with a variety of customized gear and a fondness for dogging his target
King Blaze - Pyromaniacal madman and sculptor of living flame
King Kockroach - Cockroach overlord with a sideline in other vermin
Kommander Konquest - Golden Age Martian warrior queen taking time off to bring a team of trainee villains on a field exam, instructor of Klass K
Krude - Living toxic oil spill, dangerously flammable
Lady Weiss - Ruthless corporate heiress and director of her own PMC
Larva Vesparum - Sapient magical mask, often used by DOOM
Lash - Power-dampening agent of SIN
Leppaludi - Lazy gluttonous troll who'd really rather be sleeping
Libertine - Agile brawler with a deceptive style and mental/sensory manipulation powers
Life-Ender - Psionically elusive hitman
Little Boy - Radioactive mercenary-turned-supervillain, part of Fireteam Firestorm
Little Miss Big - Titanic legacy villain, out to show up her father Mister Big Junior
Lummox - White supremacist super-bully
Luna-C - Cyborg werewolf pack leader...on the Moon!
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